[DPI] It's Meaningless

Day 3,357, 07:05 Published in India Indonesia by AdjieDW

First of all, are you serious that eIndia Ideology are now Communist? If you are saying 'yes' to this, it means that our decision just obviously comes from CP & Dictator.

Why I'm saying this? because Communism is an ideology where one believes that society will/should advance to a classless and stateless socialist society. So, what's the point that the Congress right now are voting for new Head of Congress? THE COUNTRY PRESIDENT STILL NEED THE DEMOCRACY SINCE HE IS OUR EX-MEMBER FYI.

A communist society is stateless, classless and is governed directly by the people. This, however has never been practised. Why? It'll be chaos if all of the citizen wanted their aspiration to be done by the government. So, it's meaningless to change our ideology to be a Communist.

We still need democracy, where all could be involved. For what we have 5 Politic Party in eIndia? If you still believe that communist is the best form, we better disband EVERY SINGLE OF POLITICAL PARTY.

because it's meaningless if we have to be a classless and stateless society, and then we have political parties but we can't do anything to contribute for our country. since only CP who decide and the Congress are just his puppet.

That's why we here, in 5th February, VOTE XSidewinderX for the better eIndia. If you vote the other candidate? you'll regret it, trust me.

Let's stand againts the Communist, together with Democratic Party India!!

vice President of Democratic Party