[CP] Update #2- France, Finance and Fooling Around in Congress

Day 2,915, 05:15 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Addaway

Time for a full set of updates, covering a busy first week of the term.

Defence and Foreign Affairs

One concrete piece of news that I can bring you that you might have already seen in the MoD Paper, we have successfully completed a white peace deal with France, and the short TW that ensued from it will be coming to a close over this weekend.

You can find the full text of the deal by clicking on this link.

Aside from that, there isn’t anything which I want to stick in a CP article yet, but we are busy exploring ways for the eUK to increase our bonuses. I hope to have more soon.

As far as day-to-day work of the MoD/FA goes, all four ministers and their deputies are working well. Have been very happy with the activity of my team, both in game and on IRC. If you do have any complaints/questions don’t hesitate to PM me and I will do my best to address them.

Home Affairs

With the approval of my budget a few days ago (more on that in the finance section), I was able to get 20,000cc of initial funding to the MoHA for the player support system that I outlined in my manifesto, but with it needing a system to be entirely built from scratch this will take a little bit of time to be set up and for money to begin to be spent- I’m completely happy with this, I don’t want to see money spent for the sake of it, and I’m confident that Frix and KaptenJohnson will be able to handle this.

Kapten Johnson will also be co-ordinating with the MoF to integrate the TG loans/grants into this player support system. Under the new system, the MoHA minister will be responsible for assessing where best to send loans and grants, and what form they should take. The MoF will be responsible for paying the loans and will be the ministry they are paid back to, and will be keeping detailed records of this.

The other strand of my domestic manifesto was the apprenticeship scheme- I know I said that we would have an additional announcement shortly after the election, but it has been pushed back slightly in order to allow Frix to focus more on the new player support system- I don’t want to overload things. Activity wise, the MoHA has been fairly good so far; the rate of MoEd articles has dipped slowly, so I’ll be checking in this week to see what we can do to get more content out.


As I mentioned earlier, my proposed budget was accepted by Congress by 18 votes to 5.
The Budget included government spending of 315,000cc once the MPP budget (which doesn’t leave the country accounts) had been deducted. The government already had 112,870cc out of the accounts (it was removed when the coup took place), so this was just treated as the first withdrawal. So the remaining money the government can withdraw without a congress vote is 202.2k

Here’s a link to my full budget.

Of the 112k that has been withdrawn, 20,00cc was supplied to the MoHA, and 30,000cc to the MoF (for TG loans and grants). The remaining 62,800cc is being held in reserve.

In other financial matters, I mentioned in my previous article that I would be putting a piece of legislation to congress that would include a new tax system. This took the form of the Finance Bill, which is currently at the amendment stage in congress.

The purpose of the bill is to consolidate our existing Finance Acts (we had two), and to clearly lay the eUK’s tax policy out in a bill, and changing the procedure so that changes to the tax policy would be done by amending this bill. This has the advantage of meaning the eUK can change both the rebate system and work tax level with the same amendment (as when you change work tax it is very likely you would alter the %’s of the rebates), saving us time and streamlining the system.

Here’s a link to the full bill.

It has come up against quite a lot of vigorous opposition in congress, and passed its general principles vote just 7-6. Disappointing turnout aside, I would urge all congress members to vote yes when it comes to its final vote. Having a sensible tax system is vital to the eUK having enough cash to defend itself when we need to, and this proposal does this while still mitigating the impact on eUK MU Suppliers, and providing a way for us to attract allied MU suppliers into the eUK.

Thanks for reading,


P.S: Sorry for this not being on the CP newspaper, I forgot to get the org pass- last week I had to send aaron the gdoc link and have him publish it as I only had my phone