[CP] The Good, The Bad and The Banter

Day 2,938, 03:59 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Addaway

So here’s my last CP article for this term, I’m going to run through what I think have been the successes and failures of the month in each ministry, and say a few thank yous.

Home Affairs

The tank fund that I mentioned setting up is now running, and has so far saved eUK fighters a total of 14,111cc.Some in Congress have cast doubt over how we ensure that weapons aren’t used against the eUK or sold for profit, and its simply that we control who is able to buy the weapons to people we trust, and if we catch anyone defrauding the system they will be blacklisted.But yes, there is always going to be an element of trust with these things, but I’d rather that be the case than just do nothing for eUK fighters on the off chance someone defrauds the system.

As mentioned previously as well the Apprenticeship program is now running as well, we have had four apprentices apply for the MoD/FA who will start properly when the new cabinet is in place(if Aaron wins), but I would urge everyone who has never tried out government work before to apply and see if you can get into it- we desperately need new blood coming through the ranks.

On the negative side here, I’ve been really disappointed with the most of the MoHA, especially those who were focusing on MoEd articles, which totally dried up after the first week of the term. Kapten made a valiant effort in running the supply drop during its trial, and I thank him for that. We have at least been able to salvage this by bringing in the apprenticeship/mentoring system, and a player support body.

Foreign Affairs and Defence

Happily, we were able to finally kick Egypt out from our core-regions after a big RW battle in East of England that prevented them from NEing Belgium. After that they essentially gave up and the last MPP’d battle was a non-event.

Whilst we had been busy with Egypt however, Belgium had been jumped on by France and at their request we stepped in to help out, judging that eUK fighters and damage would be more effective in a direct war than helping in RWs. Overall this war has been a success so far, our central goal was to free Belgium and this has been achieved, we just now have the task of repelling a french attack on EoE after we initially lost Flanders.

Losing Flanders was disappointing, at 55-11 and all divs winning we had looked secure, but around 1am a Brazilian MU stepped up their CO, and by the time I woke up we were behind 65-72. Both myself and Fataliix tried to turn it around via CO, but after one expensive round it was obvious that the Brazilian MU that was COing was not going to let us, so we cut our losses. Last night we learnt from dropping the ball overnight, I had Rohirrin watch the battle overnight with the ability to set CO if needed, with the aim that we still be winning by the time the eUK woke up again.


The MoF dealt swiftly with handing out TG loan gold to applicants, and I’m sure that Huey will have the detail of who was loaned what in his next MoF report.

I will be producing and end of month budgetary report, showing our final figures for expenditure and income over the month, but as we still haven’t got all the final figures I will be editing it into this article as soon as I can, along with some analysis.

Other Things

I think its probably necessary that I deal with one of the accusations that have been thrown the way of me as the CP during the traditional mudslinging that accompanies the build up to any CP election.

The accusation of ‘money laundering’ through the Nifty MU is entirely untrue. Nifty was used because Fata happens to be the commander of it, so while I moved to take command of the eUK MoD MU it didn’t make sense for one person to have all of the CO money, in case that person was offline at the time the money was needed, so Fata took half of the CO budget and I took half, and Nifty was used as any other government MU would be. The remainder of the CO budget that Fata had has now been returned to the Country Accounts, and Congress will be able to see that the amount spent and the amount returned match perfectly.


To end this, I want to thank a few people in particular:

Fataliix + Paul Tyndale: For always seeming to know what was going on in Foreign Affairs, for giving me top advice on decisions like whether to CO a certain battle or not, and for being pretty damn active.

Huey: There is a very good reason you are MoF in almost every CPs cabinet, it’s because nobody does bookkeeping like you do.

Mr Woldy: For always managing to press buttons at the times we need even when I’ve only let him known at very short notice.

And finally to everyone who voted for me and supported me in some way; I hope that I have proven myself worthy of the chance the eUK gave me, and even if you disagree with me I hope you can see that everything I do is out of a genuine desire to improve the eUK.

Ta-ra for now

Bonus Pics: Things from my lightshot over the past month..

The natural evolution of Netflix and Chill..

Oh and that night that Aaron got really drunk and then came on IRC