[CP] NaN Welcomes Malaysia

Day 1,969, 19:15 Published in Australia USA by irule777

One of the big agenda items of my campaign and administration was NaN growth and coordination. I'm happy to announce that over the last few days at the start of the term, we've made lots of progress in this area.

Communication & Coordination

NaN started off the month immediately with a meeting with some CP's, messaging, forum changes with permissions, and lots of collaboration messages and communication for Daily Order setting and military supply and battle coordination. We've already started pushing the levels for activity and communication, now we're going to work on taking it further and making a big difference on the battle field with some new assaults soon and lots of military fun for the people 😉

New Member - Malaysia

NaN is also incredibly excited to welcome our newest trial member, Malaysia. Malaysia officially applied a little while ago and we've finally gotten it processed and finalized, and we're happy to announce their trial membership. We'll be watching their activity and coordination over the next few months or so until they're deemed ready for full membership. We also have had lots of interested from other nations regarding the NaN and some potential future items brewing. I'll be sure to keep you all updated.

There should be an official NaN article soon regarding this new member. We've started a new NaN paper with an official alliance organisation and will begin spewing out collaborated news soon enough.

o/ NaN
o/ Australia
o/ South Africa
o/ Cyprus
o/ Malaysia

National Defence

I campaigned a lot on ADF items and the AMUA this month and I am happy to say we're beginning to make progress here. Valentyme and Binda have been doing a great job getting new officers and working on figuring out what we have to work with, what we can change, and how we can use our programs to work off no funding. We're also working at coordinating the AMUA into the ADF as a regular program or something of the sorts. We're certainly going to look into every aspect and ensure we're moving along well.

Shout out to my Education team of Chester and Cendaan who have been working on re-writing some old outdated articles and are coming up with plans to refine the forum help section to be more useful and educational.

Overall, Australians can expect some new battles soon hopefully, new Defence proposals, a few new MPPs, NaN activity and maybe even a new trial member or two.

-Irule777, President of Australia