[CP] Congress

Day 1,980, 14:16 Published in Australia USA by irule777

Through the region of Tasmania, I'm happy to say, Australia will have a congress again this month. We'll only have 10 seats, which certainly isn't as much as everyone would like, but I'd say it's not bad. We did look into other options this month for getting more regions through an airstrike or something of the sorts, but decided to leave it for the next term. Hopefully in the future, we'll have more regions and more than 10 seats up for election.

However, having a senate at all this month is nice so funds can be transferred and the government does have another voice and level of input. I look forward to seeing some fun elections with this on the 25th in just three days.

Noob's, Give it a shot!

I'd strongly encourage anyone who's interested to run for congress and give it a shot. If you can be active, get involved and learn quickly, you can be a fantastic member of congress and a great member of the community for sure. Congress is a good place to start for active new players and those with great ideas to reform the country.

Interested in running? Message your party leader, get on the ballot, and even write an article outlining your plans. While it's not required, why not show your activity off the everyone else? A more active media is certainly a more fun one. Good luck to everyone this month in the election 🙂 Hopefully in the near future, we'll see many more seats up for election.

Cabinet Volunteers

As always, another notice to new players, we're accepting anyone who's interested in getting slightly involved in the cabinet. While it's late in the term, we certainly would never mind showing you the ropes and helping you get more involved in the community. Message me if you're interested 🙂

~Irule777, President of Australia