[CP]A Sunday of ordinary madness

Day 3,758, 01:37 Published in Switzerland Switzerland by Swiss Federal Chancellery

Dear Swiss,
many of you ask me what happened yesterday so I’m going to recap here to keep you informed.
As you know the MOFA BB resigned from his charge, and from his candidature to CP.
Well, there was an article in which he explained his decision and I answered in comments with my point of view. Now the article disappeared.

In few words BB disagree with my way to act he accused me of lack of communication and of destroying his work in foreign affairs.
I will not repeat here all my reasons. Because the point is not who is right. Why?
Because yesterday afternoon a blackmail was received by our congress. BB gave to our congress an ultimatum, my resignation or the MTO of the country. How is possible? Simply, because he was still in charge of the Swiss Air Force.

Let's take a step back.
BB was not agreed with me. Maybe he starts to hate me. Perfect, today he would have had the opportunity to get me out of the way and become CP, but what did he do? Resigned for candidacy.

I’ve nothing against him, and I have nothing against anyone I’m always ready for a debate or a political fight. Any political opponent is welcome. This is the core of erepublik I think.
As you know I was not candidate for CP, I had to be candidate when BB resigned.

Finally I want to spend some words about the accusation of PTO to the italian community and to the argentinian one(?!).
Well, italians are part of our country, in RL like in erepublik. I’m italian, but I’m swiss, I was born here and I will die here. Then Borgogianwas also accused. Before accusing a person like him I say you have to rinse your mouth, he was swiss CP before BB was born. He contributes to grow up the country for years.
Then the dangerous argentinian PTOer community: pedro escamoso

That’s all.
I want to reassure the remaining pirates in Switzerland that we think of them as our brothers, as always, and what we do not think is in any way imputable to any of them

There was no money stolen by BB, he is crazy but he is not a thief.

Some service communications.
I appointed dan quijoteas new commander of the Swiss Air Force. He will organize a new plan for our MU.
We will have a hard work to do this month, it will be a great challenge but we together we can do it!

As your President, i CALL you ALL citizens of Switzerland, to come to our discord channel , to be active in everyday conversations with our citizens, where you can give ideas, chat and hanging out with us.

For every kind of matters I’m at your disposal, so don’t hesitate to
contact me!

BE ACTIVE, don't sleep! 😉


Swiss here, Swiss there, Swiss everywhere
Swiss Country President
Vincent Rekdal