[CoC] The first report

Day 1,654, 10:31 Published in Belgium Belgium by eBelgian Foreign Affairs
My, eBelgian friends

I seem to have made my first small mistake, this article is moved to the appropriate newspaper now.

At first I would like to thank NLSP for all the work he has done as chairman of the congress, secondly I would like to thank my fellow congress members that they trust me to take over this task. I will do my very best to do as great of a job as NLSP did. That said, I am not as experienced in these affairs (as I stated in my candidacy) so I cannot promise I won’t make the occasional bump.

The first few days of the new legislation have been quite calm, besides the vote for the new CoC there have been few votes started except for some routine money transfers. However there are some nice debates going on about the donation of CM-medal gold and immigrations, I invite everyone to come and tell us his opinion here.

Another important thing is the activity of the congress members, In the first voting topic many of us have voted, at least those who signed in. This is very good and I hope the rest of the congress term will be marked by the same level of activity. However there are some people that have not signed in on the forum yet, if you are one of them do so here please, your country needs you.

The last remark is something that saddens me a bit. Lately there have been many rogue proposals and citizenship accepting. I’d like to remind all of the congress that it is a part of the constitution that every new law also the in-game ones (except for routine money transfer). Should be proceeded by a 24 hour debate on the forum at least. Otherwise the law is not valid. Also one should consult his fellow congress members before accepting an immigration.

That was all for today I hope this congress term will be a nice and efficient one.

Yours truly,