Your vote does count, use it to bring strength to our country

Day 3,930, 15:58 Published in United Kingdom USA by Michael Ludgate

Tomorrow brings us the latest congress election, Vote Pirate Cat Party.

Our opponents seek to deceive you and rule you whether you vote for them or not. They have ceaselessly fought to control the narrative, and have lied about the money being returned/gifted by the dictator. The only credits wasted were by brash military decisions taken by those same TUP members who admit they lack military experience, wasting your tax income in the process. This is intolerable.

A few days ago TUP attempted to secure it's election status by forcing a liberation when plans had already been set in motion to hand over control of the country. They however failed, delaying the handover further, but they will keep trying until all your tax money in the treasury and in private secure holding is used up. If they succeed, they'll have reinstated the right of their multi accounts to elect themselves. They cared more about making the dictator look bad, than regaining control of the country, this is why they attack 1 day before the dictator medal could be awarded, knowing plans were to hand back control; Knowing also that the nothing could be done for 3 days after the end of the their mock liberation attempt. But don't worry citizen, this does not matter, because it's more important that you be spoon-fed a narrative!

To that end I ask you to vote for us tomorrow. We seek to support newer players in their advancement and will ceaselessly criticize actually stand up to those that would remove your democratic right to representation. Our congress list this month has the perfect blend of youth, experience and military strength that consistently drives our country forward when others stand idle. We will continue to demand that your persecutors relinquish their heinous control on our nation.

The Pirate Cat Party is made up of people who've served at the very heart of the country, only to be talked down to and treated as lesser men by the arrogant intellectuals who pontificate running the country. They sit in comfortable chairs drinking the finest wines (paid for with your tax money), whilst deciding which peons to move about the chessboard.

TUP ran a campaign that nobody would argue against, whilst obfuscating the truth, which is that the recent dictatorship has had more positive democratic impact than the last few TUP governments.

Even if you're unsure about changing your party allegiance at the moment, consider that the congress elections are like mid-term elections in America or by-elections in the UK. They send a powerful message to the incumbent, that we will not stand idle.

So whichever side you fought in recently, know that to Vote Pirate Cat Party is a vote for strength. We are open, offering support to all who seek to advance the country.