Who Wants to Be a CP or What I Learnt This Month.

Day 3,238, 10:28 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Karacticus

Hello Nation,

I'm publishing this in my private paper as it's not really "Government Business" just my own musings and an anti-manifesto. I want to give you a little insight into what has and has not gone on.

This Month

It's not been a good month. We started off winning something we thought other people would win because our candidate clearly stated he'd do bugger all. I cobbled together a quick manifesto. We won. Sweden and American double teamed us.

Since then we've been in a constant state of wiped and slightly un-wiped.

Fair play to our allies when they've been able to help it has been tremendous but they have their own battles to fight and so can only help when they're free.

I don't smile much these days...

So I personally wanted us to have an alliance sorted by the end of the term. It's still not happened. There was an overture made to us by an occupying force but nothing has come from that. I'll let you decided which force it was.

From my point of view I asked the MoFA, AMD, to speak with the world. Find out what the perception of us was and the impression I get is that we're a buffer between one side or another. Never the bride.

The allies we have are fantastic and if I were to be stuck here for another month my message is this:

Let's get together and have a bit of fun. If it ends in flames then at least we've failed with people we like. Hell, we might even win something.

The Future

Not having the CP title means you can't legitimately make a decision without asking other people. You've not been elected.

If elected again the onus would solely be upon my head. The current cabinet may have other ideas and if there is someone better suited to running this joint I'll happily stand aside.

Given another month I would look to strengthen the ties we already have with the allies we already have and if we can work something out get into bed formally. However, if that is not possible we'll have to seriously look elsewhere as we can not stand alone. That said we'll not be treated as a lap dog - I'd rather stay wiped.

The current cabinet are lovely and I would love them to continue with me in some shape or form. I've not talked to anyone about this so have no idea if they would. That said I would also like to add more folk to our ranks. We're all busy people with lives so the more people involved the more fun this game becomes.


I'll do the job if you want me to but if there's someone better vote for them.



p.s. I'm available for weddings, birthdays, funerals and hen parties.

p.p.s Sambo has been lumbered with me for a month and to be fair I have no clue when it comes to the army so muchos respect to him for putting up with me.

p.p.p.s AMD finds it easy to talk to people from across the world. When I try they seem annoyed. He refuses to confirm or deny whether these people are all the same person.

p.p.p.p.s Huey is very nice and patient. I have not stolen any money.

p.p.p.p.p.s They're all lovely and have shouldered the burden of supporting me brilliantly.