What's next?

Day 4,930, 10:03 Published in Turkey Indonesia by Pocahontas38

Tomorrow we will get rid of the well known "Recover Energy" button. Instead of it we will get an extended energy bar. Most of us are happy for it, because we will not need to login multiple times a day to recover energy.

Previously they changed the "Fight" button to "Deploy". Now they are making free and legit another function from illegal softwares (scripts). Consequently today I read some mostly funny "rumors" what will be the next update?
These are my favourites:

1. Autobuy and autowork

2. Autodeploy when CO is on

3. Autodeploy in epic battles

And my favourite: Getting a message if someone is stealing your SH/BH

Since it's a pay to play less game, everything is possible.

What do you think about this update? According to you What's next?