What's happening around us - FA discuss III

Day 2,638, 10:37 Published in India India by Peter1203
Namaste dear readers, friends, comrades!

I writing this article now, i didnt write FA discuss 3 weeks ago beacuse i was lazy but i try to give you some information about wars, battles, alliances etc...

So lets get started!

North America

A week ago or two, Croatia counqered Canada along with Macedonia. They kept Canada under control, but a few days ago Iran launched an airstrike to help their Canadian friends. They succesfully defeated MKD and wiped them out of the American continent.

Then thogether with the Canadian resistence force, liberated some regions from Croatia.


As the picture shows beneath, a small, but brave country namely Singapore launched an airstrike on Moldova. They counqered Transnistria, then followed by Southern Bassarabia. They had/have a cat-mouse game, Moldova liberates a region, Singapore counqeres another and so on... It seems Lion city is doesnt give himself easy.

Middle East

After the tournament has ended, the Middle East seems a bit different then it was before. Egypt has 2 regions, im not sure, but i think its some kind of agreement with Greece.

Israel retained its regions from Cyprus, while Saudi Arabia has been counqered by them. Such a shame for Saudis, its a great country but not in eRep...


Pakistani leader TheJakal threaten us (India) -like RL Iran or NK the world 😛-
,they talked about an airstrike on us. We are waiting for you and we will see how this war is going to happen.

And last, i think everyone knows it but if not then im gonna share with you, a new alliance, the Banana Alliance! And what could be better than a new alliance??? So?... You didnt figure it out yet?... Well India is IN THAT ALLIANCE!
Finally... many years passed since India was an alliance member. So thank you for the invitation Britain. 🙂

Thats it for now, if im not gonna be lazy, then you can except for a new article from me, and as always, thanks for reading!

"I know not with what weapons Word War III will be fought, but World War IV will be fought with sticks and stones."
- Albert Einstein

Best regards!
