We Are Not Dead- Oogieboogie3's response

Day 880, 06:34 Published in North Korea Ireland by OogieBoogie3

We are not dead no, dormant is anything. Our problem has never been influence because we have always had it; in government and the media. Our obvious problem is the lack of Democracy and immediate justice as Dubster stated before his resignation. This has fed up many citizens of this country, and demoralized others such as Dubster. He simply lost hope and decided it wasn't worth fighting anymore, and I completely understand how he feels because I was at that point before, but rather than quitting, I simply took a break by moving to Switzerland. We do have justice here in North Korea, but unfortunately it is a long and dragged out process. It can take months for multies to finally get banned, look at Carlos Bianchi; didn't it take a long time to get rid of him?
Afanasiy Drago, our old long time President has taken it upon himself to track down and report the multies to rid us of our political freedom and justice. I too have found a few suspicious characters, but Drago hit the mother load of what certainly is the group that has been/and will continue to give our Russian oppressors free congress seats. He has reported them, and exposed them in his news article, but he also asked you the people to get involved and fight for justice, by that he was asking you to report them as well, because who knows, it could speed up the process. He is right on that. The only way we can succeed in gaining justice and independence, is by doing so by actively working together as a whole.

Oogieboogie3, running for congress under the NKWP