WARNING!!!!X-files for E-Serbia !!!

Day 1,321, 14:01 Published in Serbia Greece by Spirosway

Dear Serbian brothers,
After some conversations with Serbian brothers they suggest me to write one article that show whats really happening in E-Serbia Economy 🙂

Most people don't know how each country economy work (market,Job market and monetary market etc) so i will explain it a little bit 🙂
All these markets are connected each other...
for example you should check the salary and material cost (and taxes) to set the final product price if u want to have a little bit profit..
simple and easy!

So lets see monetary market..and how connected with market..
When one Market has cheap items ,then people from other countries or people from same country sell their gold get the products and propably sell them higher in other countries.SO when products are cheap and currency is strong that means you need to pay less currency to get some gold.

And Story begin,
Long time ago some Serbian people suggest me to come in Serbia and they provide me cheap rsd with grd..so i did it 🙂 Anyway , i put many offers and i get a lot of workers fast but still my profit was normal or even less from Serbian people 😉

At these days currency was near 170 rsd = 1 gold and that is preety good because everyone can get cheap gold for training and goverment can issue new money and get cheap gold too 🙂 So i tried to find E-Serbia prime minister of Economy.
1st)Anyway my suggestion was to drop vat price to 5% so people in Serbia can buy cheap foods and weapons and currency will go up 150 rsd for 1 gold so if his goverment need rsd they can issue with profit.
He said that vat dont affect the price and he prefer 15% and also he want to make rsd 400-500 rsd with 1 gold.(i have conversation if someone dont beleive that )

I was against vs that because if rsd will go up new serbian people should pay 300% higher prices in products...for example 50 rsd per tank or something like that...NEW people cant afford it.

2nd)I start getting and getting workers to provide cheap food in market but some people ruin the monetary market with that way the prime minister of economy said (i will not give info like him ;P)
currency was like 290 rsd with 1 gold...so who we will blame???
Hmmm easy target is ME,Housefreak and few more people...
So be it...Some people start making articles that we ruin the market...ofcourse without evidence but only to show our workers and say in people "OMG these people get 214124214 billions profit""they steal our gold " blablablabla...

Most serbian people that know asking me and laughing with all these theories because profit was too low and i explain them that i sell cheap food to make stronger rsd currency and help new people...
SO I DID IT!!! from 290 rsd for 1 gold today is 210 rsd for 1 gold 🙂

So , i am ruining the market? Not really ,but fighting big serbian producers that want to make sick profit from New people...

Lets continue with real people that draining gold from your market...(you can understand that if you read article from prime minister of economy)
1st)look this 😛
I dont have any problem with Mooche and gz for him that he has no problem to accept it 🙂 Anyway its a game and i dont want really to blame him for anything 🙂 He is good gamer thats all !!

2nd)Most serious problem for E-Serbia and 15.000 people that live in E-Serbia are big tank producers (also food some of them) because they control the market .
How they control it?
They made one channel #tenk and they fix the prices in market...for example they buy all cheap raw materials and they remove all big offers.
After they buy fast all cheap tanks ..
So tank prices can go from 10 rsd to 15 rsd in 1 minute!!!
Is that good? Not really, because new people cant buy tanks and they cant increase their rank points as fast as possible...
Also other people cant buy cheap raw material so they lose a lot of money with high cost items..
Result? Sick profit for them...
So lets see some pictures 😛
Serbian legenda shout the standar price and tanks go up from 10 rsd to 12.5 rsd in 2 minutes 😛
wanna see more? sure 🙂

also one more 😛

Anyway i have more than 20-30 pictures that show many different people that show that they are trying to get sick profit and dont care about others 🙂

I respect Serbian brothers that play FAIR and i suggest them if they need any help feel free to pm me 🙂
Remember you are more important than some people that are trying to get your money..you are not garbage you are HUMANS!!!

Greek brothers

p.s feel free to shout it so anyone will know the truth...
TRUTH is not OUT there...but its here!!!

Serbian Legenda ask from Housefreak to cooparate in new channel to make a good cartel !!

Serbian Legenda threat House freak if he put low prices he will have a lot of problems !!!