The Wild Geese MU, the beginning

Day 3,432, 22:15 Published in Ireland China by The Flying Geese MU
Ireland our beloved Emerald Isle, you have been lost to the winds of change, but soon you will have reason to rise up again

"The cause it is good, and the men they are true,
And the Green shall outlive both the Orange and Blue.
And the triumphs of Erin her daughters shall share
With the full swelling chest, and the fair flowing hair.
Their bosoms heave high for the worthy and brave,
But no coward shall rest in that soft-swelling wave;
Men of Erin! awake, and make haste to be blest!
Rise! arch of the ocean, and queen of the West!"
Taken from When Erin First Rose by William Drennan

Ireland, it has been noticed that there is a lack of unity and military guidance. It has been noticed MUs are suffering from the retention of qualified military personal as the game it self suffers from the desertion of civilians.

This is something the Window Lickers MU has noticed and pledged to try and change. By doing so, we will change our MU from a decent fighting force (always in the top 4) with a humours attitude, to a proper fully fledged military unit here to serve the citizens of eIreland, both at home and abroad.

Apart of this re-vamp/rebranding is a new look, a new name and a new set goal. These items will be rolled out over this Easter Weekend via our Military Units dedicated newspaper, The Wild Geese MU printing presses, produced by The Flying Geese Org.

...Was it for this the Wild Geese
Spread a grey wing on every tide...

Taken from September 1913 by William Butler Yates

Painting depicting the 1847 Battle of Buena Vista, where one Mexican army regiment put up particularly fierce resistance. It was an all-Irish outfit known as the St. Patrick’s Battalion

What is in a Name?

Many of you might be wondering, why would we name a MU, The Wild Geese (link takes you to a website going into detail about Irish forces overseas), but for those who know a bit about Irish history, you would realise where the name came from.

Through out history, Ireland has sent men over seas to fight in various wars for other nations. These battles stretch all over Europe, the America's as well as Africa and Asia. While they served in their own regiments, a common term was given for the émigré soldiers that the Irish termed them the 'Wild Geese'.

So with this mind and the knowledge that eIreland needed a unified, well equipped and well organised MU, The Wild Geese MU came about. The aim is to do what our RL Forefathers did, serve our nation at home in eIreland as well as serve our friends and allies around the globe.

Not only will the Wild Geese MU, fight for Ireland both at home and abroad, we will use the Orgs newspaper for history articles, to try and embolden the citizens with the patriotic fervor that eIreland is lacking. We will start trying to grow our nations Air Force, we will institute a new player/fighter development program, as well as support the senior and self-sufficient players.

So hang on and enjoy the journey that is about to take place in Eire.

Charles O’Brien of France’s Irish Brigade commander presents a captured British flag to King Louis XV.