The Solution.

Day 1,213, 13:08 Published in Canada Canada by Code-Y

I know how you feel, I used to be bored all the time too. Allow me to introduce myself, I'm Code-Y and I'm a Canadian Citizen. I like strolls in the park and going to the beach to watch the sunset, because we totally have beaches up here. I'm also an entertained Canadian citizen, and we don't have a lot people like me here. There's a secret to being entertained in this game, and you know what it is? It's called being active. It's a social strategy game! Now I have a quick solution to get you from this boredom, it's called The Canadian Paradox Party

The Canadian Paradox Party took me in on a rainy day, nothing was happening, I was about as bored as it gets. Before they came, I was a bit of a 2 clicker, I had no goals in erepublik other than to be better every day and in reality, isn't everyone better everyday? The CPP gave me love, they gave me a family, they gave me their all and I would give my all for CPP any day!

The Canadian Paradox Party is recruiting, we're looking for people who want to have fun and to enjoy this game! We help our members, we are active, we are power, we are strength! You're the back-bone of this country and allow CPP to be your vertabrai! This party is a meeting of the minds, now allow your mind to meet us. And don't forget to check out The Congressional Paradox if you want to be an active congressman!

A party for Canada