The Baltics - what and where?

Day 486, 15:50 Published in USA Estonia by CptRixuu

Hello fellow eRep'ers. Like most of you already know, there are three countries joining the eRepublik world. That was stated here. Although you know the names of those countries - what you don't know is...

"The Baltic states, Baltic Nations or Baltic countries are three countries in Northern Europe, all members of the European Union: Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania. After centuries of foreign domination the Baltic countries reemerged as independent nations in the aftermath of World War I in 1918-1920.
The term "Baltic republics" can sometimes refer in historic context to the Baltic republics of the Soviet Union. At the same time the three countries were considered under Soviet occupation by the United States, the United Kingdom and some other Western nations. The Baltic States' struggle for independence is believed to have contributed greatly to the collapse of the Soviet Union. The sovereignties of the countries were restored in 1991 and the last Russian troops withdrew from the Baltic States in August 1994.

Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania have been members of the European Union and NATO since 2004. Today the three countries are liberal democracies and their market economies have in recent years undergone rapid expansion." (Wikipedia)

So, the Wikipedia knows it.
What's more important right now, is that those three countries are very small and they need to be helped to get running (as i stated in my previous article). I've read many comments about "TO'ing" those new countries as they are created, but i would like to ask you not to do it. Why, you ask? We want to start our eLife, thats why. Everyone needs a chance to prove themselves, so do we (explanation of "we": I am an Estonian in real life and i will move to eEstonia right away when it is created, as i staded previously).

Every new country in eRepublik is a gift to the New World. Every new member of this New World, is a part of the gift, the part that helps the world run smoothly, with more population and with more different opinions and opportunities. If you wipe every new country out from the New World, you will never get to see what would have happened when u hadn't done it and had let them to evolve. Everyone wants to get part of this game (yes, that what it is) and if they can't prove themselves living in a small and free eCountry, then it is just not worth it even to try.

So what i really want to say is, that either the PEACE or ATLANTIS should really consider making contact with Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania right after they have been created. We need you now, we need you to get ourselves into some serious business.

Thank you for your attention. The Captain has spoken.