Thank You eCanada!

Day 402, 17:58 Published in Canada Canada by Trenton Rendell

I would like to thank not only the people who voted for me but also everyone who took the time off Christmas Day to log on and vote, By voting your able to help shape eCanada to mold it into something great, something amazing, something Canadian. Your able to have your voice heard by the congressmen you elect and ultimately your helping to create the pathway for eCanada's greatness in the World.

So thank you to the 252 people who voted on what was thought to be a low voter turnout election (252 People or 30.47% voted the largest in 3 congressional elections).
And thanks to the 27 people who elected me into Congress, Congrats to everyone else elected into congress I cant wait to start working with all of you.

Thank You

Merci Beaucoup

-Trenton Rendell