Societal Introspection

Day 2,422, 21:10 Published in USA USA by J.A. Lake

Hello, Comrades,

It seems that in terms of our ecountry we have reached a transitional stage in our development. As it is our society is stagnated, leading to decreased activity and decreasing numbers.

What share of that is our fault?

Freqently you hear complaints that the admins have ruined the game, but that is untrue. They add and remove features, sure, but consider that as adjusting the walls of a sandbox, one that we sit in. Regardless of the size of the sandbox, we still have sand. However, we complain that we don’t have enough, or have too much. It doesn’t make sense.

What we have to do is make the decision as a class of small-time players to knock down the ancient sand castle built in the center of the sand box. The eAmerican Bourgeois Class sits atop the sand castle, looking down at us and paying us in virtual food to fill out virtual documents managing our comrades in the eAmerican Proletariat. The crushing bureaucracy sends away the weekend players and banishes the free thinkers, in essence shoveling sand out of the sand box.

Worse still the sickness that dominates our esociety must, like a virus, expand and dominate other esocieties to perpetuate itself. The imperialistic attitude of our country has lead to actions like those in eCanada earlier in the summer, actions that ruin the times of new players in those countries—currently eJapan and eCuba. These actions shovel still more sand from the sand box.

To return sand to our sand box, regardless of the size of the walls, we must change our society. We must tear down this top-down empire of google documents and bourgeois dominance and create a society for the players, or our society will be strangled to death before our eyes as they ruin the game for every individual player through their eimperialist agenda.

Who cares if we get grain or iron from Las Villas or Oriente if it means permanently retarding the growth of a new ecountry? Is the benefit gained by those resources worth shortening the lifespan of the game? If we aggressively colonize weak nations, should any free thinking individual be surprised that the game is dying?

If we are concerned about the shrinking of our eWorld, the first problem we must address is how we play the game.

Take the first step with us!