
Day 3,256, 21:57 Published in Australia Australia by Callumh123

Hello Australia,

It's been some time hasn't? I'm writing to you today about the recent events that have transpired and I'm also writing (as awkward the title is) as a Member of Congress who has access to certain Governmental threads.

My opinion is biased (obviously) but I'll do my best to accurately represent everyone mentioned and the events that have transpired.

From what I gather, BDR was never a suitable candidate for Prime Minister of Australia. From what I have been told he was a competent and enthusiastic Minister, who found himself out of his depth for the main job.

Fair enough, many people are overawed by the position, myself included. However, when most of us are out of our depths, most try to keep a level head and seek help or try inject flesh blood into the executive.

What BDR has done in the past number of days has been reprehensible and some of his actions are unforgivable and he should apologise publicly. Perhaps the one action he didn't get all together wrong was to give the keys, so to speak, to Icetek.

Now it is true Icetek has been a troll in the past (even a bit now) and can be erratic, but he has always had the community in mind and works hard for it.

Once I heard of what happened, I supported allowing Icetek to hold the keys until either a provisional leader, chosen by Congress, was selected or when the next election came around in a few weeks.

Earlier today, Former or current depending on which side you're on, Minister of Foreign Affairs, thedilpickl made an article (here) proclaiming a 'coup' on Australia, promising a benevolent dictatorship that would make Tito weep.

Thedillpickl was certainly correct to feel aggrieved by the actions of BDR, but I find his support for the Rusty D supported 'coup' rather odd. He was up until today, apprehensive about 'picking sides' and was happy to sit this one out. But it appears his tune has changed and that's disappointing.

There was talk in the Congressional message threads about a vote being taken to choose a provisional leader, lead in cohort by non Congressman Rusty D, however it also appears his tune is now set to another beat.

Coupled with a number of tanks, this group is currently fighting for the coup without any public consultation, done entirely behind closed doors and the citizens of Australia are just suppose to accept this groups 'benevolence'?

Not only that, dil also lied in the article (here), 'The Coup', when he made mention to the complicity of Henry the 8th in the coup as well as Rusty D mentioning in the comments section that the Knighthawks were complicit also.

Now Henry assures me this isn't the case (after I rage quitted the party for it) and I'd like to see clarification from the coup team from this.

That's all for now and hopefully this coup doesn't get through and we can find an amicable decision for a leader until the next election.

Kind regards,


(ps. no photos Henry)