Presidential Election and Pakistan

Day 2,146, 12:14 Published in Pakistan Pakistan by PakDexter

Today is election day in erepublik. Every country will get a new president for a month. A news article caught my attention today.

Points raised in that article are noteworthy. Few days ago current candidate (and probably our next President) published an article in which he posted his achievements.
He wrote:

It is like having a free loader or a contract mercenary except that this one will get the highest available post for a country in erepublik. He never made it to President level and ti is one chance.

I hope that my concerns are wrong.

But a common citizen must be concerned. A man serving MOD for multiple countries can't be faithful. What if he gets better option or deal from other country?

Democracy means a healthy competition. But there is none from opposition parties. I am tired of reading their whining shouts in erepublik but when moment came to grow up some balls they failed. What moral ground they are left with after such nonsense?

As far as I think Government and opposition failed democracy and Pakistan. But you know how can I be sure. I am still new to erepublik and don't know how it is played in this world.