president election day is nearing, competition of 4 candidates ( Korea Today)

Day 1,140, 03:12 Published in South Korea South Korea by Takahashi faiz

Jeju reported,

1 more day to ESK presidential election Jan 2011. 4 candidates from different party will compete with a different agenda.

They are 4 ESK candidates for ESK presidential election Jan 2011

rythemdj ( Sin-gan Association )

Clopoyaur ( Korean Independence Party )

Veritas Causidicus ( The Solar Temple )

Dan/naD Wilshire ( New World Order )

with a lively election campaign conducted with a lively by each candidate

they bring up thecointry internal issue to their manifesto of election campaign

as a ESK citizen, you have a responsible to vote our candidates to that can lead our country towards a better life