Pirate Partay Christmas Quizoo

Day 4,053, 07:55 Published in United Kingdom USA by Michael Ludgate

Ok, I is not drunk, too poor for that and various organs would likely give out long before I achieved a recognized level of imbibe. But as far as verbiage goes, I've had drink, therefore I've drunk. So good enuf.

Anyway, with the explanation for, oh yes - no pictures, why this article has no pictures of women, red heads, cats or similar.

Ah and back to the matter at hand, competition. More for fun, but additionally the pauper-esq sum of 10 gold + awesome that's 10 gifts for those not in the know. Oh and don't sell your gifts for 1.5k, you're being ripped off. Remember Aesop's fable of the two dudes with really long forks...

Anyway, oh yes, competition. So. Three part, where everything is in this article, so no guessing if the next article is going to blow your efforts out of the water. Read everything below and enter!

1. Take a product catch phrase and apply it to another product / business for comic effect. Best answer (judged by my irreverent humor) wins this stage, not that the winner can achieve bonus +1 gift by using a catch phrase and marrying to a product/service where the first letter is the same in both. An example being (and the expected format for explanation):

1. Pringles and Porn Hub - "Once you pop, you just can't stop."

2. Take a product, suggest a use that is clearly wasn't intended, the product must have an Amazon link (real product) and take the form as below. Again most witty response wins.

2. https://amzn.to/2SiVrkd - "DIY anal bleaching kit"

3. Correctly translate and deduce the two word phrase based on:
01000111 01100101 01101110 01100100 01100101 01110010

Winning entries must have correctly answered #3 The best overall responses to #1 and #2 will be selected on new years eve. Published here and gifts sent out same day.