Peace: An illusion

Day 704, 09:38 Published in Pakistan Pakistan by Rider of Darkness

While intentions when forming peace alliance may have been noble and sincere, but the resulting alliance over time has proved to be a disaster. The story of Peace GC members attacking fellow member nations is already known around the new world. Pakistan who was one of the founding members of peace has been a target itself. I wonder if there is any value for Charter of the organization itself. We all know Clause I (III) of the organization states it pretty clearly that "PEACE is to be used as a defensive force that will pursue peace in good faith."

Its ironic how the word Defensive is ignored by the member countries and they go around breaking the very first clause of the charter and yet still stay member. The accountability within the organization is at minimum. The best example of no accountability can be the aggressive nature of Peace GC member Iran on Pakistan has led to minimum or no intervention from international peace community. The people are watching and observing it from the sidelines and it may not be far before peace eventually fails as an organization.

Well the questions in minds of every Pakistani are:

1. Why not just leave peace?
2. Why is it that there is no action to get Iran's membership Canceled ?
3. Is Peace GC a failure Altogether ?

Well the answers to these 3 questions are pretty simple and straight forward, Pakistan can not just leave peace because it was behind the creation of this alliance leaving it will be like a big blow to the alliance itself. Canceling membership of Iran, while it can set a role model for Peace Member nations not to attack each other, will not be liked by many member countries because every country in Peace is holding a dagger so they can back-stab one another. The way towards success is through unity among allies otherwise it all falls apart.