Party Favours

Day 2,097, 21:16 Published in Canada Poland by TheSocialistChicken

IPC, you may have noticed my absence (no you didn't, don't kid youself). I have left the IPC for a new chapter in eLife, but before I head to the States or the eUK, I thought I may as well have a party. So I joined Pat's pool party. If you're looking for a DD, find someone else. And to Clan wolf, I'm at Pat's place. He has a pretty nice pool.

Also, I guess I'm running for congress with the pool party. Don't know who I'd represent, maybe the drunks over by the garden shed. Anyway, Congressional platform...

.If elected, immediately propose 1% work tax. Congressional rules be damned. Besides, I'm pretty sure I'm already banned from the forums (when I try to log in it says my account is inactive and I need an admin to set my account to active, HELP PLEASE!) so reprisals don't affect me, mostly.
.Also if elected, after passing the work tax, follow the rules for further tax reform.
.Reduce tax on hot dogs, you'd be surprised how much the damn things cost after tax.
.Increase Electricity Output, our walk in fridge nearly took out the grid.
.Reduce fines for drunk go carting, Long story. Moving on...
.Steal Borrow MoF funds for another beer run, They get rowdy when the drink runs dry. It's a national security hazard. Funds well spent.
.Increase local noise pollution limit, Cops made us turn down our music. Damn cops.
. Use government funds to buy corvettes as party favours for every party guest., we're going to make sure they don't Drink and drive. We're going to to give them a stern lecture on why its not good to drink and drive. Civic duty fulfilled.

That it my platform ladies and gentlemen, so why not vote for that now ex-PP chicken guy for congress. I promise, nothing will go wrong. All at once.