Ohai Denmark!

Day 2,027, 16:45 Published in Denmark USA by MazzyCat

Kitty here! So - I'm new in these parts, and wanted to just shout a huge public HAI! Maybe talk about myself some.. say thank you.. and stuff like that. Also... I like kitty pics and stick them EVERYWHERE. You have been warned. 😉

So.. I'm a kitty. Nose will throw a fit if you claim otherwise. I'm generally playful and get along well with other animals. People too! I can be serious when necessary though. Being Playful is more my style though.

I came here from the eUS to get away, have fun, and even help a bit. I've been a Party President, the Secretary of Education, and I have ATO experience. Not to mention all the other smaller things I may or may not have done.

Thank you all for having a kitty come over to Denmark and have fun with you all! ♥

Kitty out!