New Jersey Congressional Debate

Day 490, 12:50 Published in USA USA by Tiacha

I had the pleasure of debating my opponent in New Jersey, NewYorker138. The debate was moderated by Speaker of the House, Kyle321n. Here is the debate transcript:

I also happy to inform the nation that despite a few hitches, a Q5 Hospital will be placed in New Jersey later today. I would like to thank Congress and Justinous for making this happen.

Also, this month, again, Tiacha has one the endorsement of the Independent Congressional Recommendation Council. Read about it here

Remember, come tomorrow, make the smart choice and reelect Tiacha to Congress in New Jersey! For more information about my campaign, check out my platform here:

If the google doc doesn't work, here is the transcript.

Kyle321N: ok greatings tiacha and newyorker
Tiacha: You set the questions, Kyle.
Kyle321N: you guys want a debate and i'll get you a good one 🙂
newyorker138: Ok
Kyle321N: alright
Kyle321N: so we'll discuss the hot topics of congress
newyorker138: allright
Kyle321N: i'll start you guys off with a fairly easy one
Kyle321N: and NYer you'll get to answer first for this one (you just won the coin toss in my head)
newyorker138: Ok
Kyle321N: PANEC taxes are going to be reviewed on April 4th for their effectiveness. How well do you think PANEC is doing and do you think it's hurting or helping the economy
newyorker138: I am sorry, I havent been following PANEC Taxes but any taxes is currently hurting the economy. Our imports are less then our exports. It should be the opposite. Other nations are growing in wealth because they raise their import taxes. In times of war taxes are real burden
Kyle321N: Tiacha same question
Tiacha: Well, the value of the dollar has gone up due to PANEC but because of it, Gold is worth so much less. For that reason, congress has had to issue more money which might counteract our efforts to stop inflation. I do think we need to reevaluate PANEC and maybe slightly lower the income tax in order to counteract this. We've sucessfully raised the amount to solve the previous economic crisis and now its time to start stimulating American spending again.
newyorker138: That issue was the only issue I was not aware of lol
Kyle321N: 😃
Kyle321N: ok
Kyle321N: next one this time Tiacha will answer first
Kyle321N: Congress just impeached uncle sam and it brought up a real issue. Congress didn't like how Sam was spending money. So how should congress handle who spends the money from the treasury, and how should they spend this money
Tiacha: Well, Kyle, I believe, that since Congress holds the power of the purse, we need to create a Congressional org where money will be allocated. Congresswoman HeadmistressTalia of MT has come up with an idea of a Congressional Budget organization. First, Congress would approve of how the money should be sent. It is then sent to the Congressional Budget Organization to be allocated to different organizations and programs (Wheels on Meals, QMG, ect). Each organization would use a form to request funds and explain what the funds are needed for. That way, Congress knows exactly what is being spent and its approved by Congress first. The person in charge of the CBO would be elected by his or her peers in Congress.
Tiacha: Meals of Wheels
Tiacha: my bad, switched up my words there.
Kyle321N: ok NYer same question
newyorker138: Thats exactly what I was thinking. Congress approving the Presidents requests first and a board that has oversight of the money that goes out.
Kyle321N: A follow up that I'll allow tiacha to answer first since it's the same question
Kyle321N: How should we handle the Secretary of Treasury who has moderated the value of the dollar? Should we still allow him to make these sorts of decisions?
Tiacha: Well, Benn was the secretary of the Treasury under Sam and he's also the secretary under Scrabman. I don't know why Scrabman allowed the same person to be in charge of our money given Sam's record on fiscal responsibility. We need a new one who's more reponsive to the recommendations of the Congressional Budget committee and the Economic council. Although the Secretary of the treausury should have input on these decisions, we need a new one, and one who is able to work with both the EC and the congressional budget committee.
Kyle321N: NYer same follow up
newyorker138: Well I believe that the Treasury Secratary, Whatever he wants to take out of treasury he should first report to his President. Many people trust politicians to do the right thing but sometimes they are just put in office for self service not public service.
Kyle321N: ok
Kyle321N: Next question and NYer you'll be able to answer first
Kyle321N: Should we continue to buy infrastructure and how should we fund these purchases
newyorker138: No, We shoudnt buy more infrastructure right now. Tiacha just purchashed a Q5 Hospital for our state of New Jersey. I am not sure were that money came from our treasury in a time of war? My answer is not in a time of war were all our saved up money is going to Fort Knox. Now by us funding them I think we should fund them thorugh treasury because thats what citizens pay taxes for.
Kyle321N: Tiacha same question
Tiacha: I disagree. I think we need to continue buying infa right now, but do so in moderation and with strategic thinking. The Q5 for NJ is going to stop the buildup in FL and bring citizens to NJ. This is a good thing because, A. Its a border state. B. We have a Q5 DS. The more people you have in a state, the more effective the DS is going to be. That being said, with PANEC we've brought in a lot more money now. Since the threat with Mexico is pretty much over and the State Dept is well on its way to negotiating an effective peace treaty, we have more money to spend for infa. We need to get another Q5 hospital around. I'd like to see one in the middle of the country and one on the west coast, preferably in Cali.
Tiacha: I also think its important that the government find another company to build Q5 hospitals for us. We cannot rely on one company entirely as we saw through Justin's article yesterday. That being said, I've always stood firmly in saying 1 major Infa purchase a month (Q4 or Q5 hospital or DS) is within our budget.
newyorker138: Yes purchases that are in our budget. I think what you want to do is to make NJ a better state and I understand that but infrastructure should be halted for the Treasury to grow faster
Tiacha: Right now we're pretty much budgeted for one major infa purchase a month
Tiacha: Which we have stuck to.
newyorker138: Ok but I believe that we should not purchase any infrastructure now to grow our nation's wealth thats all
Kyle321N: ok
Kyle321N: final question
Kyle321N: Tiacha you'll be able to answer first
Kyle321N: There have been calls to reorganize and restructure the military. Give me your best plan for how we can get our military to become the greatest power in the world (if that's what you want the US to have)
Tiacha: Well, compared to PEACE countries right now, we have much lower average strength. We need to change that in case we get attacked, otherwise, we're doomed if we face PEACE giants such as Indonesia. That being the case, I am for War Games as long as they are thought out. We cannot let war games go bad, which happened in the case of Mexico. We need to find a willing territory and country and do it. That being said, we must address the question of military funding. There must be better communication between the QMG, the President, and the military officers on when soldiers are getting weapons. Weapons shouldnt stictly go to tanks. We need to help all citizens rank up. That being said, I am against imperialistic wars. We should only fight if needed and on the side do war games to keep our soldier's rank up.
Tiacha: We should not follow the Monroe Doctrine like Sam did in Mexico
Kyle321N: NYer same question
Newyorker138: Well, My idea is different. I dont really want our troops to advance any further then they are now. Now many would say this will make the game boring but i believe in Peace talks with all nation including PEACE nations. I hate war. I just want our diplomatic skills to be more powerfull. If at least 70% of all enations are at peace with us we got huge economic parters. The goal for me is to have a booming economy with other nations. That will make the game more fun by increasing the potential to make emoney and gold.
Kyle321N: Ok and finally i'll give you each the ability to have a closing statement
Kyle321N: NYer I'll let you go first
newyorker138: Well first of all I am honored to be debating with Tiacha. If I dont get elected then I hope she will allow me to work with her on making our state of New Jersey and eUSA a better place. My other statement is please vote Newyorker138 for NJ Congress lol
Kyle321N: and Tiacha
Tiacha: I believe I've brought a lot of experience, leadership, and knowledge to the current congress. I've been willing to reach out over party lines to ensure our nation will prosper. A vote for Tiacha is a vote for leadership in the face of adversity. I'd like to thank NYer for this debate. Its been a pleasure
Kyle321N: Thanks to both of you and good luck on Wednesday.