New Colombia Political Party! 新哥倫比亞政黨!

Day 5,154, 09:23 Published in Republic of China (Taiwan) Colombia by alexaviermu1
Buenos días Many Greetings 許多問候

I have send infinite thanks to the Inmortal Taiwan country. Because the Colombian leftists "communists" stole the swords of our ancestors, ancestors who liberated our colonies. Now communists have killed the security guards, and caused people to suffer. These thieves will learn their lesson.

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"Today I present to you the new party of Colombia"

Anticomunism Great Colombia 反共產主義大哥倫比亞
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This party is about Libertarianism, the idea that has made all people can live as only kings did, free and independent. Now those that rule nowadays say capitalism and the invisible are the enemy. Yeah right! "Poverty", they love the poor so much that they multiply them, who are the ones whose vote is for the rulers. It is time to wake up again.
這個政黨是關於自由主義的,這個想法讓所有人都可以像國王一樣生活,自由和獨立。現在那些統治者說資本主義和隱形是敵人。對對對! “貧窮”,他們如此愛窮人,以至於他們成倍增加,而他們的票是給統治者的。是時候再次醒來了。

Why does the party refer to Gran Colombia? 為什麼黨指的是大哥倫比亞?
Simple, the left movements are lacking in history, false and cold-blooded. The sword they stole belongs to the liberator, he was not a communist. The liberator is a libertarian.

Because Karl Marx sai😛 "He, Bolívar, wants to compare himself with Napoleon, the most brutal and tragic coward, Bolivar is the real Soluruk." From this sentence, Marx’s psychology shows that he likes emperors. Marx says that Bolivar is not enough tyrant to be "Emperor." The Communists have created a world where politicians are an enterprise. And ordinary citizens are just slaves.因為卡爾·馬克思說:“他,玻利瓦爾,要把自己和拿破崙這個最殘忍最悲慘的膽小鬼比較,玻利瓦爾才是真正的索魯魯克。”從這句話中,馬克思的心理表明他喜歡皇帝。馬克思說玻利瓦爾不足以成為“皇帝”。共產黨人創造了一個政治家就是企業的世界。而普通公民只是奴隸。

Bolivar didn't want to be emperor. He wants to be a citizen, just like everyone.

From which stomach do left-handed movements get the food to talk about ethics, morals, honesty, Christmas peace, religious communion and now, democracy?

Venezuelan pure communism like Cuba can be anything, but it is by no means "Bolivar" never. If someone wants to fight with me, I will wait for them, and if they “Communist” offend, do it well. You "communists" have no cosmic glory, no redundant names. Marxist fantasy. All false biographies, propaganda. In order to squeeze taxes from the oppressed, they do not know what mean is effort. The invaders and attackers. They want to find a paradise that can save their lifes from the job, a fictional paradise for bum.


Anticomunismo Gran Colombiano
Alex Xavier,
Discord : alexaviermu#1183