Mr. Plato please Change the WAR system !

Day 3,258, 09:16 Published in Turkey USA by H3LL b0Y

This current system is not working well for the weak countries under occupation for months and years.

You have Combat Order system that you look for people hitting for money yourself. What happen If we have no money ? We will be under occupation for months ?

You have determination points that will help resistance countries to take regions back. Ok we got regions back determination disabled as well. 1 week later we lost or regions and we will determination point again ?

Have you ever thaught why people are quiting the game ? Because you're not presenting a excited game module for the people.

Think twice and change this current war system. I give you an advice,

We used to play this game long long time ago with organized people who were online in operation times. People loved this game because you would able to make OPERATIONS in unexpected times. This was the real point for us to play this game.

eRepublik was giving us a meeting and social point. Now what it gives ?


Tomorrow you change the war system according to my request;

Point system will be same. At the end of each raunds ,you will get points according to divisions but early raunds will have more points. For example First 1,2 & 3 raunds will get higher points that countries will be well organized to start the wars in unexpected times so they will have early attacking advantages.

1:Disable MV pack for 2 months see how the game will be more fun.
2:Disable CO ( money slaves ) system that let us see who's real ally or not

Thank you for listen and appracited for our concerns.


Ovaj trenutni sistem ne funkcionise dobro za slabe drzave, koje su pod okupacijom mesecima i godinama.

Imate Combat Order sistem u kom trazite ljude koji ce pucati za novac. Sta se desava ukoliko nemamo novac? Bicemo pod okupacijom mesecima?

Imate poene odlucnosti (determinacije) koji treba da pomognu okupiranim zemljama da povrate svoje regije. U redu, dobili smo regije natrag. Odlucnost je resetovana. A onda cemo za nedelju dana da izgubimo sve regije i cekamo da poeni odlucnosti ponovo narastu?

Da li ste razmisljali zasto ljudi napustaju igru? Zato sto im niste ponudili uzbudjujuci igracki modul.

Razmislite ponovo i promenite ratni modul. Dacu vam savet.

Ranije smo ovu igru igrali organizujuci ljude, koji bi bili online u dogovoreno vreme zajednickih udara. Ljudi su voleli igru jer ste mogli da organizujete neocekivane udare. To je, za nas, bila prava sustina igranja ove igre.

eRepublik nam je pruzao druzenje, socijalnu interakciju sa prijatnim ljudima. Sta nam sada pruza?


Sutra promenite ratni modul u skladu sa mojim predlozima:

1: onesposobite Maverick Pack na dve nedelje, vidite kako ce igra postati zabavnija
2: onesposobite Combat Order (robove novca) i pustite nas da vidimo ko su nam pravi saveznici.

Hvala sto ste me saslusali.