Moving out!

Day 2,259, 16:23 Published in Romania Sweden by judgen

I have tried to quit you erep! over and over, and i keep coming back.
The dissolution of the Norrlandish republic and the return of the Balts into Sapmi hurt, but as usual that is recoverable. The big reason for leaving eSweden is once again cronyism, the liar gains whilst the people that believe in the truth loses out. I have to leave, as staying means complete and utter tax-subjugation. And i neither want to fund the endless skirmishes on our dear Gotland that leads to nothing but polish support for baltic agression OR funding a sate run extortion racket.

I will seek refuge once more in the loving arms of the eRomanians. (Thank you eRomania, you are truly considered as brothers)

For those who care: The disease finally broke me, i gave up on everything including erep for a whole two months. I will keep playing as long as said condition permits.