MoE: Participation in a Coup

Day 3,927, 14:29 Published in United Kingdom USA by Michael Ludgate

It's come to the attention of the Ministry for Education, that some factions are struggling in participation in the fun coup exercise occurring atm. We here at the ministry feel even competing rebels should make more of an effort to take part in the struggle for an effective government verses one backed by a nice idea. As a person who shuns abuse of the game, I had to do some hurried research to bring you this article.

Please remember to support your local internet cafe, they're not just their for election time.

If you happen to be enjoying a coffee, maybe a cake, and your country calls; Most cafes now have the internet. This can be used to log into any of your eRepublik accounts.

Go to your local internet cafe to support your party, country and meet hotties

Thankyou for your time