Justice System and coppers.

Day 4,037, 22:33 Published in Canada Canada by grindarkly

The Justice System.

In Canada the justice system (as superior as it may be) is so very flawed. We are judged by ones who have no empathy. Defended and prosecuted by the same. I have encountered too many cops in my day intent on destroying lives indiscriminately. Its like they go out and try to find as many people as they can unfamiliar with court proceedings and the law. (Throw them into the meat grinder and let the grinder spit them back out again (as freshly created criminals)

I was jailed on a few occasions and convicted of crimes I was innocent.On one occasion I actively sought out the police and explained. I accidentally broke something when I fell, and I had full intention of paying for repairs. result: Charged with public mischief. How the cops twisted this one, I have no idea.

How are cops expecting not to be victimized or made into a supposed martyr with this kind of behavior so rampant among them.

Another scenario:

Clueless and desperate to pay a speeding ticket, i did not deserve (50km in 40km zone with tree literately completely covering the speed limit sign.) Went to cop shop near place I was staying next day. Asked the cop (at main desk) how to pay and he said "right here". I question suspiciously stating options ticket appeared to have. He says "I'm a cop. What; you think a cop is gonna rip you off". Dejected, afraid to lose pretty freshly attained license, and impatient to do away with situation; I gave in and handed him the 50 bucks and asked for a receipt. threw money in his drawer and refused to return it or issue proof of payment. Totally stole my money on purpose with no remorse at all whatsoever.

If only I knew what I know now. As a kid I learned a lot about not trusting anyone who has been given any amount of authority or power. This is the viral lesson we teach each other when we practice deception amongst ourselves. Plus, Absolute power corrupts absolutely; even knowing how absolutely wrong the corruption may be.

Tell me your scenario if you have experienced anything like this kind of corruption or lack of function in justice system. I always wonder if anyone goes through this kind of thing. Met a few over the years.

If you ever do encounter. try to record and take badge numbers. Get witnesses and avoid aggression however you can. Network with friends and utilize media to add power to your situation. second most important (next to recording) Know and understand your rights and how to implement/protect them.