Interview with Tasha the Queen- Mhlychol

Day 4,518, 14:42 Published in Nigeria Turkey by DAG AYISI
Interview with Tasha the Queen, -Mhlychol

1. Hello, Tasha The Queen, Thank you for accepting my offer to do an interview with me. Would you please introduce yourself to our eCommunity before the pass the questions?

First of all, I would like to thank you for interviewing me. Most players known me for 10 years, but I will still present myself, Natasha 38, from Skopje, Republic of Macedonia.
At the moment I dont go on work and im all day home, because you know what the situation with covid 19 like in our country and around the world.
In Macedonia we have declared emergency situation, and only pharmacy, army, police and markets work.
So I have more time to farm haha

Photos from Skopje

2. What made you start playing eRepublik?

My older brother is guilty for everything, he started playing first. I worked for him for no money hahaha I was not interested at all ... you work train and that was all ...
After a while he quit Erep but ... I continue to play, I screwed up ...
At first I was in eMKD, I started with the Ministry of Health and I was curious, I shared food and tanks with Vesna-Wendy, I had great help from Efiljo and Dr. El Che G, Trte T, Naluteniot, Nalutenata, I cant mention all, because probably was over 50-60 players , which unfortunately many of them dont play anymore. Once they had confidence in me, I became president. That's how it all started

3. What are your most liked and most disliked features of the game?
Most of all I want to steal BH (lm kidding)

Here we are all to play and have fun, we can find new friends from all over the world
Most hate when someone comes 1 second before the end of the battle to steal bh ... so if he/she have bools let's start from the beginning of battle and measure our strengths ... also most hate when some players mix virtual world with real life …
for me those are two HUGE different terms

What can be done in your opinion to improve the game? What would be the feature if you could add some new features to the game?

First plato can make cheap packs like 3 or 5e, in that way many players can buy some pack and enjoy in the game every week or month admins can give us some coup or similar
I have many ideas but admins must listen our wishes, and for now they do nothing

5. What do you think and know about eTurkey and Real Turkey?

I have many friends from Turkey, both in Erep and RL.
I must say first, that I drink Turkish coffee every day ... hihih
I don't want to talk about politics ...
I know Turkey have beautiful beaches, but there is also a lot of good food ... like kebabs, doner kebabs, baklava, tulips, salty, sour, of course I don't forget Turkish tea
We can discuss for this all day long

6. Do you have any advice to players, especially new players ?

Unfortunately for new players, there is not much fun in this game, 2 click, train and nothing more. It takes a long time to reach strength and fight for BH. You need to spend a lot of euro to buy many packs how you can play-mostly in air because in ground is too hard

7. Why are you playing eNigeria instead of Real Country Macedonia?

As I said in the previous question at the beginning I was in eMkd ... but after a while I came to eNigeria, we had a big disagreement with eMacedonia players. Here in Nigeria we have very good communication, we all support each other and we are all like one big family
I am the queen and the rest are my slaves and they do everything as I will tell them

8. I see many packages on your profile page. Isn't it hard to pay? It seems very expensive, especially when you think it is buying every month ?

Many peoples spend money on cigarettes, drugs, alcohol, chocolates, hamburgers, pizza, in casino etc. etc
Sometimes of my pack's i buy with tokens, sometimes with cc, sometimes with euro xD

9. What does your nickname mean, do you have a story about this ?

Simply my name is NaTasha, and short of my name is Tasha ... There is also one person in my favorite series., Tasha Jar од Star Trek: The Next Generation.
Tasha Jar Star Trek: The Next Generation.

10. Do you feel any difference or privilege as a woman in eRepublik?

I dont have privileges, this game is a strategy game ... whether you are a woman or not, if anyone wants to invade your country they will invade it anyway ... same as if someone steals BH or SH .. however this is just a GAME, but remember women's rule the world

11. What is the eMarried thing ?, Are you happy with mariust1 together in your eMerried? Are you doing eSex? Do you have eChildren/if not, would you consider having a eChild ?

I consider that private life and elife are confidential but to answer at your question all what can I say is that everything it is okay and we are happy

12.Some players profess love of you at shout, article, messages... What do you think about this? Do you like flirting ?

It's great when you are loved in RL and in the game too haha
Flirting? no thank you

13. Finally, is there anything you want to add that I maybe forgot to ask?

I am really glad that you took the time and place for me in this article.
Stay strong, stay positive, stay healthy, stay home! and play eRepublik
with love and respect Tasha