I'm Voting SColbert And Here's An Article Saying Why I Think You Should Too

Day 2,752, 22:38 Published in USA USA by Aeriadne
DJ drop that beat.

I don't like SColbert.

"And the award for 'Worst Start to a Endorsement Article Ever' goes to..."

He and I have rubbed noggins from time to time. The kids call it "butting heads " or "steppin in on a homie's turf, yo," but I don't speak jive. Regardless of my vernacular, SColbert and I have had trouble seeing eye to eye on certain things. We've taken shots at one another, and were known to clash in bouts of verbal skirmishing from time to time.

On the contrary, our fair Dictator Trekker has always been someone I have liked. Even way back when I was in the Feds, he was a guy who was friendly and approachable. He reads on forums as a lovely person, and his is the sort of caring you can't help but feel is genuine.

I love the guy personally, I dislike the guy politically. He is uninspiring, he is safe, and his focus isn't at the core of what I want: fun. To put it plainly, I've met pieces of bread more exciting than two terms of Trekker.

But to be fair, that bread is awesome.

No while SColbert and I have had our differences, his is an approach to the game I want to see. I mean, my party endorsed him for a reason. I asked them both in my thread if they could accomplish one thing this term, what would it be. The answer of our incumbent Dictator was one of war, something to do with bonuses or I don't know I got bored halfway through reading it. SColbert's response immediately gripped me: fun.

When Colbert asked me to be his Propaganda Minister, his sweet Secretary of Media, he cited my dedication to wringing as much enjoyment out of this game as possible as part of the reason he chose me. And from every article he's written, you can tell that this is a guy who is passionate.

In more than one way...

SColbert has been at multiple levels of government, serving us in a myriad of ways for many years now. His experience is known, his ability to think and to affect change is obvious in how he has contributed to his party and to this nation. I've watched and been proud of what I've seen.

And while we may not be the best of friends, I respect the hell out of him and what he wants to accomplish.

The country he wants to build, for you the player, is one which can be enjoyed. For our new players, he has already outlined roles that will be open. I myself have already assigned a fresh, new crop of faces to help me staff the White House Press Room.

Perhaps... too fresh...

This is a man who understands that our place in the game world will be changing, and who is looking to put experience where it is needed to guide us through the storm and give young blood a chance to prove themselves. He understands, in much the vein that I have been preaching, that we must reach out and continue to strive to our best and bring others into the fold if we are to survive and continue thriving.

We cannot stay the course.

We must press on and change.

And we must do so with SColbert at the helm.

On the 5th, I'm gonna be voting for a man who engages me spiritually in this game, in a way I've not felt in a while. I'm going to be voting for a leader I believe actually wants to give new players a shot.

He's somebody who isn't just gonna give us the same old song and dance we've seen. Somebody who can balance efficiency with fun. Somebody who wants us to enjoy and remember our time here.

Somebody... named SColbert.

Join me at the booths, people. We're gonna make a great tomorrow together.