I'm done.

Day 2,321, 21:02 Published in Canada United Kingdom by Pat Harper

I regret to announce that I will be leaving the community that is eRepublik.
It falls down to many reasons, some which I shall go into detail about. In this article I would like to list my best moments in the game, the worst moments, and thank those who have made me play this game for so long.

Reasons I'm quitting

1. Real Life. Yes I said it. I won't go into detail as its obvious.
2. Money. I have spent more money than I care to admit on this game, it is embarrassing and addictive. I never meant to spend like I have but sadly it cannot be reversed, it was infact the main thing keeping me in the game with the thought of 'you have spent too much to quit now' only trouble being I was just spending more.
3. It's a pile of w*nk. This game has gone rapidly down hill and apparently it was getting worse when I first joined the game back in 2012. The economy is shocking, the mechanics are shocking, it's just advertisement after advertisement, the admins don't care about your problems, they just want your money.

Best moments in the game
Certainly I have had many enjoyable moments in this game, the community is what makes it worth playing.
1. The Liberty days. Things were simple, it was just a small and fun MU in the eUK. I formed some of my greatest friendships there and maintain them to this day.
2. My CP term. Although it cost me a small fortune, it was sure as hell fun. We fought Spain till our fingers bled from clicking, burning through well over 1,000,000 CC. The unity in Canada at the time was unmatched and it was great to see political rivals work with each other as friends.
3. Dental Corps. Yeah, it turned sour towards the end but they were admittedly some of the best days of my eLife.
4. My MU's - Liberty CA, ShadowFox, Medics and Company of Heroes. All in the same unit lol. This unit is my pride in the game and it stands for all I have ever worked for. The loyalty, the appreciation and commitment from its members unmatched. I would like to thank every single one of them along with all the donators and helpers of the years.
5. Baiting Oinyo. Yeah I know he has had trouble recently, I havn't had time to check on the current situation and I wish him the best of luck in his life, but I did enjoy baiting him.
6. Working with Rylde on the defence and offence of eCanada. The man may be unpopular to some but to me he is a good friend and a superb war leader. I had great fun staying up late and helping in battles in any way I could.

Worst moments
1. Losing. I hate losing. I hate losing battles, I hate losing battle heroes and I hate the person/country who steals them with a passion.
2. Getting drunk and dissolving all my factories for energy bars. Yup. 1 Q7 Factory, 6 Food factories, 20 rubber plants and 80 Aluminium Mines... Yup.
3. Getting banned. This has happened a few times, almost every FP for bad language...

The people who made it worth playing

NIKO JONES - my beauty
Military Unit Comrades - Everyone who has ever served in my military unit, there are well over 150 of you so I can't name you all! Biggest thanks here go to Umbra Bellator, Connor MacLeod, Prince Sheogorath and Uncle Buck or freddie effin mercury or w/e his name is now... who were my 2nd Commanders, 2ndly my captains who are also numerous so I won't name them all as I don't have much time.
CP term comrades - Klop123 is a babe, enough said, TheSmoke, Exalted Druid, Umbra, Mary Chan, Shoi, SGTRock, eIreland (Sw33t drinker) and all allies + more people than I can name.
Cpt Chazbeard, my eHero, never ceases to make me laugh, also the best journalist in the game.
Giorgos Zaikos, Polandball is just awesome
Max Blue, starting me in the game, I think he's eDead now though..
Rylde, awesome guy and great leader.
DMV3, although he's caused trouble as of late, he did a lot for Canada during my CP term and onwards, his Praetorians certainly came in handy.
Leo Balzac, a great guy, one of my best eFriends.
Homer J Simpson, an awesome Aussie, great journalist who gives the community exactly what it needs.... MUPPETS \o/
TMS - the best party in the game - hands down.
I-Bleed-Blue93, a true friend.
Pat McCrutch - erelation yeaahhh
Panzer, we are an awesome team on Company of Heroes.
Lord Beorn, yup. lol.
Foxfire, a great guy with good judgement
Cozza, cus HOLDEN \o/
WayneKerr, cus wayne.
CuppyCakeYums for holding my MU for me + being a loyal supporter.
CptKaydee/toad, I had immense fun PTOing CW with you.
Gaugature who is just awesome
Gobba, who is also awesome
The Remastered God
I could honestly go on all day with names, its fair to say that love you all (aww).

What happens now?

Company of Heroes
This is my main concern, obviously I believe this MU has a lot of potential and I know losing a commander is usually the death of the MU. However I need someone to step up, I will log in over the next few days to see is anyone wants to take it over, so please let me know.
COMMITMENT. That is all, if you are committed it will work, supplies are all sorted out in supply pits so you just need to keep on top of the members, I can give you everything you need to start off so it should be a fairly simple job.

Well, I will continue to use up my training contract when I can ( I don't like wasting stuff) however I will disappear from every feed, in the game. Who knows, maybe I will come back once my life has settled again but as it is I just haven't got the time or funds to keep playing.

LOL there is none. I have 4.83 goldand 3454 CC which will be donated to the next commander, or I will spend it on the supplies for my MU this week and hand it out this weekend, I haven't yet decided...

So long my dear friends, it's been an honour knowing you o/
If you want to stay in contact you can find me HERE:
