How to Cheat eRepublik!

Day 1,327, 11:32 Published in Romania Romania by Weed Marley

While others are still wondering and testing all the new buttons on the eRepublik game, our special-deluxe-combo-ultra-elite hacker team has manage to hack the game, and allow us to simply add tons of GOLDs to our eRepublik accounts!

And today and only today! For you, and for you only! We’ll teach you how!

It requires only simple logic, plus a common software that surely every Microsoft Windows user have.

First, login to your eRepublik account. Make sure it is yours, not mine.

Then, go to your profile page, and focus on the account section.

In example, see mine. Shut! Only 3.26 GOLD avaliable? Dont worry, we’ll add them!

Okay. Now here’s the trick. First, gently hold the alt button on your keyboard, then without removing your finger from the alt button, press the PrtSc button (PrintScreen) two or three times.

Then, open the most useful magic software, MSPAINT.

Now, press Ctrl+V, or you can use the edit-paste menu. Viola! You’ll se your page has been downloaded to the magic software!

Then use the amazing brush button (find the button yourself) to add your GOLD to any amount you like!. In example, i manage to add my GOLD to 672,951,323.26! WOW! Enough to do almost anything in eRep! You’re an eRepublik supreme ruler now!

Remember! Use you huge amount GOLD wisely, ie. donating some of them to the ‘Bong’ account, just to show your thanx. D


PS : If you find your eRepublik GOLD account is still same, keep trying. lol

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