Hat in the Ring

Day 3,033, 07:58 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Madelina de Melrose

Yes, my hat is in the ring for Party President (PP).

For those who say “hasn’t she got enough on her plate” with my being NHS Director, a member of Congress and Minister of Education, the answer is… well, it’s “yes”. But that doesn’t mean I think I’m doing enough.

TUP has been languishing for a while. It’s been worse, of course, and it’s been better too. And we need to nudge it back to the “better” side.

We’ve lost a lot of members – but so have the other parties. The game has lost a lot of players and we’re not getting a lot of new ones. Throw in the tight immigration policies that the government had to impose after another country tried to take us over politically a while back, and we’re trying to do more with fewer people. We need to make sure TUP is the party the ones that do get into the eUK want to join.

TUP also still suffers from an image problem – “stodgy” is one of the nicer descriptions flung at us. WE know that’s not true, we just seem that way since we don’t have trolls under our bridges, but we could be more lively.

If elected PP, I want to work on improving our numbers, of course, but even more, I want to work with the party to see what we can do to make our inactive members… active. Can I do it alone? Of course not! I will need the help of every one of you. If you have an idea how to improve, don’t keep it to yourself. If you want to know more about the political/economic side of eRep, ask! We have people ready, willing and able to help you learn and find out how much more fun the game is when you don’t just click the “shoot” button.