Frost 4 POTUS..... On Foreign Policy

Day 2,142, 16:03 Published in USA USA by Josh Frost
Mood Music: Surprise

Domestic policy can only defeat us; foreign policy can kill us.

On Foreign Policy...

There is no magic bullet in Foreign Policy that will save us. There is not going to be any type of magical turnaround in the philosophy of those who oppose us. Spain, Poland, Hungary, or whoever is not going to wake up one day and say: “You know what, we really like the eUSA, let’s join up with them and give them their territories back.”

Foreign affairs takes time. You don’t build friendships in a day or even a month. Relationships that have been built over the course of years can fall apart in the course of a week however. We’ve been going for the home run too long. We have exerted time and energy trying to pull away large countries away from TWO. Let me make this clear…. It’s not going to happen. You have an old girlfriend that you broke up with? In your mind you kept thinking she would come back. Months and years passed and that hoped endured. She never did. Guess what? Spain and Poland…. never coming back.

What we need to do is continue to strengthen the relationships we have with the friends we currently have and start make overtures to countries that are both mid level and small that might be dissatisfied with TWO or their present position in the world. That takes time and a fundamental change in our philosophy. It also requires us to pay attention to all the needs of those allies. Essentially, we need to stabilize the friendships we already have and then slowly start pursuing new friends that are dissatisfied in their present condition. It’s going to take… Time.

On War...

We’re in a tough spot right now. I think a lot of people thought that TWO would wipe us, and we’d have our country restored months ago. Obviously, things sometimes don’t work out as planned. This game is different than it was two years ago. There is a substantial damage gap between us and our enemies both as a country and as an alliance. Restoring the United States to its full 50 territories will cost an incredible amount of money and take considerable Time.

All of this said, we have a tactical advantage that nobody ever talks about. We are and always have been highly mobile and most of TWO’s “Super Powers” are not. In order to restore our country we are going to have to win this war by unconventional means. We are going to have to mix together diplomacy, direct attacks, but most of all we will have to engage in a form of global guerrilla warfare. Not having a country sucks… but it also means we can go on the offensive at all times and attack TWO in areas where it hurts them economically and strategically.

Time and our mobility is our ally. We’re going to win in the long run as impossible as it seems right now. I have two plans bouncing around in my head right now and unfortunately telling you them in this article would be tipping my hand and would be counterproductive to their success. lol I can promise you this, by hook or by crook we will get the eUSA back on the map and if we don’t it won’t be due to lack of effort. My objective is simple… We will re-establish ourselves on the map as soon as humanly possible and we will continue to as a society and as a community.

My next article will introduce my cabinet. Get ready for some surprises.