Franklin Stone Politically Targeted

Day 3,320, 19:50 Published in USA USA by Goddess Dilvany

This is another example of how a few actors have taken control and been empowered to violate peoples rights while being unaccountable. A SFP Congressman Franklin Stone was blocked from accessing the private congress proceedings.

Fellow SFP congresswomen and independent women(You Go Girl) has confirmed with Tenshibo that Franklin Stone has been deliberately blocked.

Despite my personal disagreement with censuring as a forum mechanism. This measure was done behind closed doors. This is just the consequences of forum elitist democracy. Obviously forcing people to use forums and giving it the all powers of democracy are the best way to play. We get no abuses of power in a dictatorship. This is the shit we see everyday from the defenders of the dictatorship.

In response to request to follow the rule of law by Ilene Dover. She was met with a barrage of stupidity.

"It's a everyone thinking Franklin Stone is an idiot issue."

Molly Emma "This was fun. Got a bunch of people to jump. Good troll. Now is probably time to return to regularly scheduled programming."

Dinnyin came out with a statement of sanity

"For the record, I do not agree with this censure for censure's sake.

Please restore Franklin.


Dinnyin (Feds)"

Tenshibo in a further attempt to cover up the conspiracy replied with this statement
"Illenes OP includes screenshots taken from private congress leaked without permission of the SoH. As such she has been censured for the remainder of the term. This censure may be overturned by normal procedures."

Following this statement he engaged in further admissions of guilt
"Also, I never censured Franklin Stone. I simply dropped his access. The constitution says congress may organize itself as it sees fit. As the leader of congress, I decided to organize congress in such a manner that Franklin was no longer part of it."

Ranny Sunday decided to deliver this bad ass ultimatum to Tenshibo
"removing his access is a censure whether you want to call it one or not. it has always been available to the Speaker to censure a member at will and Congress can then vote to remove the censure or maintain it.

I would vote yes to maintain his censure for his repeated violations of voting procedure. Notsomuch just because you personally dislike him. jackhole.

You're also a shitty human for being so hateful to poor old Frank while I'm on holiday. fgt. I'd cut you with my busted wine bottle if you weren't such an inconvenience."

Congress Thread