Federalist Papers (Day 3313)

Day 3,313, 15:44 Published in USA USA by Wasp15

Dateline: November 15th, 2016 (3313)
Location: Offices of Federalist Party Department of Media.

Arrivederci - Wasp15
Party president election - Fed Media
They hate us cause they ain’t us - Fingerguns
New player aids - Fed Media
Finding an MU - Fed Media
Community notice - Fed Media

Folks, it’s time. This is my last Fed Media article. For a while anyway.
As of tomorrow, Terran Loyalist takes over as DoM. It’s been a great two months. I’ve seen a lot of changes in the Fed Party and have even taken part in a few. I need to take a break during the holiday season, partly because it’s getting really busy at my work, and also partly because I’m not only looking for another job, but also looking at houses. I’ll still remain semi-active in-game, but may start missing some days here and there (breaking my near-perfect attendance streak).
Once things settle down IRL, I plan to come back into Fed Leadership.

Shuji Ariwa won the Federalist Party presidential primary. Since the primary reduces total possible candidates to 1, this means technically already won the election. Still, we encourage all of you to vote. High activity levels indicate a strong healthy party.
Shuji, former director of Recruitment and Retention, has proven that he has what it takes to lead the party. His initiative and drive will definitely come in useful as he leads us into the future.

The Feds take a lot of heat for essentially having a monopoly in the eUS. Those of us inside the party know the deal. It’s not some nefarious conspiracy that makes us the most active and powerful party in the game, it’s that we are focused on the right things. We help our members, we create opportunities, we encourage activity and we lead by example. The Fed Party forum is not only one of the best resources for any eUS citizen, but it’s one of the most vibrant communities available. Our discord server is where the people are and it’s where the conversations are happening. You can’t fake that. You can’t manipulate your way into that position. You have to earn it, and earning it is what we have always done.

Some parties are frustrated that they don’t have what we have, but they don’t do what we do so I’m not sure what they expect. There is no desire among the Feds to be the only great party. In this case, there cannot and should not be only one. The whole country benefits from strong parties. Don’t be bothered by the criticisms that we are TOO POWERFUL. We are not TOO powerful, the other parties are too weak. I hope that changes, but until it does… cheers to continued Fed domination!

Don’t forget that the Federalist Party offers several aids and incentives for new players. Check them out and don’t forget to apply!
No Fed Left Behind - food and weapons
Housing Assistance[\url] - if you meet the criteria you can receive a free house!

If you are looking for an MU, look no further. The United States Armed Forces is a Fed sanctioned MU with plenty of player aids, an awesome community and no lack of DOs. you should join the USAAC division if you want to fight air battles!

If you haven’t already, please sign up for the Federalist party forum and Discord[/ur]