eUK Military Unit - Your Country Needs You...

Day 3,053, 16:52 Published in United Kingdom USA by Michael Ludgate

...ofc it does need you, it needs free thinking intelligent fighters.

I support tactics that enable a stronger eUK and engage the player base more efficiently. I do NOT support a single military unit, centralized at country level, within a multi-country pact or at alliance level.

The idea of armageddon mashing the MU's into one is a fuzzy feel good idea that everyone can get behind, it doesn't require any real commitment, doesn't cost you any time or credits, and someone else will do the irc thing and be a bit fighty 'I'll just kinda do what I always do' - this is the kind of passive unaggressive action that is destined to fail.

Some Problems
The dynamics of the game that lead to self expression between players who aren't CP or PP but can run their own MU. Some of these are heavily funded by driven individuals or collectives. Disregarding the benefits the country gains from this is unwise, once dismantled they'll take a long time to rebuild. In short, if someones ego trip is going to mean we have funding for fighting grunts, we should be saluting every MU commander and their captains for the time/money/hassle they endure.

If MU's aren't supplying own units, both demand and production go down, this means less tax, a lot less tax. To put something in the coffers we'll try increasing tax to squeeze the remaining top hitters, who gradually get pissed, we'll ensure that nobody can afford to produce, meaning players from all levels slip away.

The issues of why people go for BH, stats, etc. are not easy to address and not attempted here, it's another fuzzy idea that the single MU will have control over everyone, when actually that isn't going to happen. The reasons this happens is like the idea of 'Don't put metal in a microwave' - training the lower level players takes time, and until they understand, seeing people not following a general order/directive is going to look like breaking rank, further accelerating the demise of the super MU.

The Reality
This will attract some people for a small amount of time. Those most likely to join are low level players who do the least dmg, the other big group joining will be multi accounts; This is bad for long term development as dead accounts waste handed out resources, time and friendship bonds created and broken leaving bemused players.

After wasting a pile of credits the scheme will fall apart, leaving a far worse situation than currently.

Having all the packs is great, some part time, some 100% of the time. I only go commando on a Sunday

You don't even have to have Q7, every click can potentially win a fight (maybe I can convince Plato to swap Bazookas for a shed of circular saw discs)

Irrespective of packs/strategy/knowledge, some of us have lives - just try to help out when you're free

There's a wealth of difference between good communication and a few people wielding the power to insist tactics detrimental to a player and generally removing any of the remaining semblance of enjoyment from the game. irc is the right way to go for taking part in large scale battles, 1 MU is not required.

Noooo, I want your clicks, give me the power to control your piss-ant soldiers

Obligatory fem

I implore free thinking people to reject the notion for military unity.