Estormia kasvab! Estormia is growing!

Day 847, 07:28 Published in Estonia Estonia by CptRixuu

Lähenevad kongressivalimised ja nagu alati on oodata valimiseelset kära igasuguste teemade ümber. Kindlasti leidub jällegi neid, kes oma artiklid hääletamisega esilehele pressivad ja tõeliselt informatiivsed artiklid sellega märkamatuks jätavad. Seda tehakse arvukate organisatsioonide artiklihääletusõiguse abil jne.

Estormia hoolitseb selle eest, et ka tõeliselt vajalikud ja informatiivsed artiklid valijani jõuaks. Mida rohkem liikmeid, seda sujuvamalt asi kulgeb.

Kindlasti kaalub Estormia ka oma häälevõimu kasutamist eelolevatel riigikogu valimistel. Kuidas seda tehakse ja keda soositakse on veel lahtine, kuid seda näitab see, milliste lubadustega seekord rahva poolehoidu püüda proovitakse.

Ühine Estormiaga! Koos suudame midagi muuta! Koos teeme eEesti paremaks ja püüdleme võimsa ja kaardil nähtava riigi poole. Tule liitu meiega ja koos leiame parima tee!

Liitumiseks täida ankeet:


English Version

Elections are closing up and like always we are waiting for pre-election articles and discussions about different topics. For sure we can see some "article trolling" again, which means that some of eEestonians will vote their articles up and articles wich contain really important information will stay behind and many of us will not even see those. For that, they are using their organizations' article-voting rights and so on.

Estormia will not tolerate this and makes sure, that the really important articles will get to people. More the members we have, more we can influence our media and elections.

Ofcourse we are going to think about influencing the upcoming congress election with our voting power. How are we going to do it and for who we are going to fight, this is not clear yet, but with you we can discuss this topic and we can find an agreement which will take our country further. Everthing depends on what do the candidates promise and what are their plans.

Join Estormia! Together we can change things! Together we can make eEstonia to grow more powerful! Come join us and together we will find a way to make things better!

For joining, fill in this form:

And for more information:

Thank you!