eRepublik expanding - Welcome Baltics!

Day 485, 01:30 Published in USA Estonia by CptRixuu

First of all i would like to say hello, as i am writing my first article.

"The New World will continue expanding its borders next month as three new countries join eRepublik. These will be some of the few Northern European states that are not yet part of eRepublik, and people from these countries have been longing to see their territories part of the New World for quite a while. Now it is time for their wish to be fulfilled, so on the 8th of April we should all give a warm welcome to Lithuania, Estonia and Latvia." wrote admin here

I am an Estonian in real life and i am very glad that eRep admins finally found this great place - Baltics. In real life we have suffered from wars, takeovers and political pressure, mostly by Russia but we have had other enemies aswell - the history says. We have beaten Russia in real life, now we finally have the opportunity to prove ourselves via eLife.

I would like to say, that on the 8th of April i'm moving to eEstonia and starting a new life there - with my own people. It has been fun here and i thank all the eRep'ers here in USA.

I believe that new political union is soon to be founded - the Baltic Union. To help it to happen, the PEACE or ATLANTIS should really think about taking the Baltics under the protective wing of theirs and help them to get running.

Thank you and have a great day.