Epilogue - The man of no mistakes.

Day 2,458, 08:09 Published in USA Canada by Code-Y

The only man who makes no mistake is the man who does nothing..

Well America, I've done it. I've survived a full term of being a Party President and boy is it exhausting.. I think the quote for my term would be "The only man who makes no mistake is the man who does nothing". This term I completed a lot of goals, but I also missed a few for good reasons. Let's refer back to my article I wrote before I was elected!

[AMP] The Dreamer

In this article I promise😛

1. I will be re-implementing the Mentorship program, Greeling and Syz2 will be in charge of that and it should be started around the 18th.

2. I will be restarting the Lotteries on the 15th myself, on the public forums so they're open to everyone!

3. I already have 5 members on the Media Team, and you can expect prime quality Media!

4. I will be releasing articles AT LEAST, once a week, if not more often for everyone detailing the ongoings inside the party.

5. I will re-instate Presidential Daily Briefings in a private area!

6. I will be releasing a new program on the 19th called the ANT Program. Stay tuned for that!

I only managed to complete 4/6 of these goals. Unfortunately, the ANT Program was deemed to expensive even after the creation of the AMP Treasury. The Mentorship program was halted due to real life issues of members on my cabinet and I take full responsibility for this, I could have done more myself but I didn't try hard enough, so for that I apologize. This was a harder goal than I'd originally imagined and hopefully it will come to life later on.

I also had a few more goals, I'll quote them below:

My goals this term include acquiring at minimum 10 congressional seats, and maintaining a high voter turnout like we had acquired last term! - Check

I'd like to have a solid 200 members at minimum before the end of my term, halting the decline in membership that a lot of Top 5 parties have been seeing. - Double Check

Lastly, I want everyone to have an amazing month! - You can check this one yourself in the comments!
Tl😉r? (Too lazy, didn't read?)

In conclusion, the only man who makes no mistake is the man who does nothing. But I think I stuck to my goals and did a fairly good job. Who knows, maybe I'll do better next time I run!

✯✯✯ Feel the AMPS! ✯✯✯