Day 3,276, 08:24 Published in Croatia Argentina by L A R R Y.

On behalf of eCroatian community and eCroatian government I'd like to say one big THANK YOU to everybody who fought on Croatian side of the battle for Slavonia yesterday night and today. Thanks to all friends and allies which damage could not be seen, but they gave all they could for us!

Big THANK YOU to eAustralian community for giving us all they had, from money to their damage!
I personally can't believe that such a small community could help us that much.

Big THANK YOU to our brothers from eChile!

Also huge Thank You to Greece, Ukraine, Italy, Belgium and others who helped us!

SPECIAL THANKS TO RustyD, SEP II, Admiral M, Colin Lantrip 3, Mithrantir o7

Maybe we lost this battle but we won so much more, we won friendships today.
A true friends means much more than one lost battle.

Message to Serbia : Nice battle, we hope for much more battles like this. eCroatia is waking up, we just started so expect more of this 😉

eCroatian MoFa.