e-WORLD NEWS - Interview with TRICO **

Day 2,795, 02:52 Published in Greece Greece by Kabyli

Hello ladies and gentlemen.

Hello to all eRepublik citizens.

Hello to all countries of our e-World.

As i have promised in the previous article, this time we will have an interview from a well known player!!
“ e-WORLD NEWS by Kabyli “ has the honor to host for a special interview from a World – Famous player of e-World, a Brave Soldier who fight like a Lion in the battlefield, a Legendary player of eRepublik’s history.

My friend TRICO after multiply requests, gave me an interview, talking about a variety of themes about the current affairs of the World and much more…
So let’s start and I will present it to you exactly how he answered to me...

1) How much time do you spend daily on-line for eRepublik?
Depending on the days and the responsibilities I have in RL, I spend from 1 hour to 18 hours a day.

2) Is there a strategy that you follow for your military movements?
Most times I only follow my intuition, together with, the will to help first of all my friends and of course our allies.

3) Tell us something about your article “Be Prepared” four months ago?
Well "Be prepared" was a crazy idea about managing eSerbia as a multinational company. The project has been frozen for the moment, but, who knows, it could be active some day…

4) What about the Airstrike of Chile to France, tell us something about this move…
Well, the AS was to help our european allies and, for the moment, we've been in some trouble, because we are getting NE'd by lots of countries. We’re trying to manage the problems as they come, one by one. Solution is never far away…

5) In your opinion how do you think the alliances in the eRepublik will transformed? Changes, or News allies?
I have no idea about the alliance for now, simply because the "CO feature" killed the spirit of fighting for each other, everybody fight for his own profit, and that really sucks!!

6) You are an old citizen of eRepublik. What do you prefer, the old days of eRepublik or the current period?
Every period of eRepublik has its own charm, I must admit that in the social aspect of the game, I preferred the times when IRC channels were full of people and when supplying was a real fun part of the game and of course, gaining the victory!!

7) Do you believe we are going to have a new change in the game from admins?
Unfortunately, admins don't tell me anything, I'm just here to play and pay their salaries ( laughing )

8 ) Nowadays we had some real and enjoyable affairs for Chile, and I’m talking about the achievement of winning the Copa America. Can you comment something about this?
Well, as you know, I'm not RL Chilean. I just can tell you that I'm really happy for my friends and for the Chilean people, they really deserved that victory…

9) Which country of eRepublik you like and respect most after Chile of course?
Well, in this game, I don't dislike anybody, every country has its good and bad sides and, of course, I respect everybody because, and nobody should never forget that, This Is A Game.

10) Can you give an advice for the readers of “ e-WORLD NEWS by Kabyli?
Be smart, have fun and...don't use drugs and, if you do, make sure that you use only the x2 energy bars!!!!

That's it my friends... This was Trico!! He was short but absolutely clear for his positions!!!
I hope you liked it!!! Also, I want to thank SdKa for supporting my newspaper by making the contact with Trico!!!
I have no idea about the next article...BUT i will try to do it perfect just for my readers!!!

Until next time...

Stay tuned... I can't wait the sunny days....
Kabyli, Alex