DRP weekly challenge week 8

Day 2,290, 22:01 Published in Netherlands Netherlands by LeoVinciDa

And yet again here are the weekly challenge rewards from last week. First in dealing damage in their division or first in number of kills in their division will receive 10 tanks for each. So in total you can win up to 20 tanks per week. Note: you don't have to be number 1 in total, only number 1 as a DRP-member. You can check this link to have a more clearer explanation.

Last week winners are.....
damage dealers:
Division 1
El Trench, number 2 in the entire country, with a total of 15.954.978, well done!

Division 2
Brokenlove, number 1 in the entire country, with a total of 93.315.830, well done!

Division 3
I found no contestants...

Division 4
Schoft, with a total of 155.487.987, well done!

The killers are:
Division 1
Naffer, with a total of 1494, 1st in the entire nation! Well done!

Division 2
Brokenlove, again number 1 in the entire country, with a total of 1269, well done!

Division 3
I found no contestans....

Division 4
Schoft, with a total of 1023, Well done!

Rewards will be sent asap!

I'd like to add that I am very proud to see that the divisions DRP were present, that they did a huge average amount of damage, showing that when the country is in need we'll stand and fight! Proud of you all!

Kind regards