Deploy - pro sau contra /for or against

Day 4,833, 08:05 Published in Romania Romania by Arty Ro

Pro: nimic nou, el a fost, cine vroia-l folosea, și el așa și a rămas.

Contra: Prima întrebare care-mi apare, câtă energie pierd dacă ultimul inamic nu este ucis?

Nimeni nu va raportat probleme cu Settings and Filtres?
Dacă nu ați reparat nu ați știut.
Dragi admini, există o problemă cu Settings and Filtres, la fiecare luptă, setările se anulează.
Acum ce am observat eu, când setezi Show players on battle - OFF, dispare și acel progres deploy, astfel nu mai știi merge sau nu merge.

Și la final, ce rahart e ăsta, chiar de fiecare dată trebuie să confirm că nu sunt robot?

Pro: nothing new, it was here already, it was free to use for anyone and is still the same

Cons: Question: how much energy i lose if the last enemy is not killed ?

No one reported the problem with Settings and Filters?
If you did not fix it yet i can only assume you did not know about it; so i'm gonna do it now.
Bug report: Dear devs, there is a problem with Settings and Filters, in every fight the settings are lost.Or maybe that's how you wanted it to be?
From what i have observed, when you set Show players on battle - OFF, the progress deploy also disappears so you are now in the dark with that info.

And lastly, what bullshit is this ? do i have to confirm every time that i am human ? really ?