CP election results 5/11/2021

Day 5,102, 23:17 Published in Belgium Belgium by hallo10

Good day, me fellow citizens of e-Belgium.

This month we had a big change in the system, as we had a member of one of the smaller parties of e-Belgium win an election (DSP).

This first-time country president (CP) Shotan won the election against lord SF from New Belgium by 14 votes.

The new cabinet.
With all-new CPs come a change in the countries cabinet no matter how big.

The new cabinet is:

Prime Minister : Samb1985

MoD : Director9

MoFA : Genesis X

Governor : Curlybear

MoE : Jarabe de Patu

It is awesome to see a Member of HOPE being in the cabinet for the first time since the Dictator Ship of Jan this year.

And we can only hope to see a change in the country for the best.

Regards hallo10