Coup D'Etat! [Not Really]

Day 3,021, 04:05 Published in Netherlands Netherlands by NoTie112

Dear citizens of the eNetherlands,

Today your leader is speaking to announce extraordinary circumstances. The state of emergency has been declared. The newly-elected Congress has been abolished and will remain out of session for the time being. Chairman of Congress Djirtsdew has been apprehended and is confined to his estate, exemplary to the other corrupt elite having pretensions about rebelling. After a short skirmish with the presidential guard in ‘t Torentje, the illegitimate president Shawtl0w has been imprisoned, trialed and swiftly shot in the gardens of the Presidential Office.

With these measures all executive, legislative and juridical powers have been handed over to the military, headed by the Supreme and Benevolent Dictator. With this an end has come to the era of elitist politicians, throwing our country in disarray if left in place. The era of rightness and equality has arrived. Soon our nation will revive and a phoenix will arise. Before soon, we will avenge the wars last year, set Berlin on fire and liberate Germany of the filth that Zehvogel and n0s3y represent. The Dutch flag will rise on the capital of the ultimate betrayers, London.

The volonté of the people will no longer be ignored, but represented by the proud soldiers of the eNetherlands, I can assure you that. The political prisoners have been released from the wrath of Odan: Kimi is soon releasing a statement defending the revolution against the corrupt elites.

Whenever Kimi is mentioned in a serious way, it’s clear everything being said is a joke. Instead of being an all-powerful dictator, I’m a ‘mere’ symbolic figurehead translating the will of Congress and President (and therefore the people) into in-game actions, forced on us by eRepublik mechanics. I want to thank ElGorro for serving on this post the last 10 months and I hope to prove to be an equally good successor.

I DID loot our barracks, and will hand 25 Q7 weapons to everyone commenting on this article.

I salute thou o7

Dictator of the eNetherlands