Cine-l sterge sa n-aiba noroc in dragoste !!! [EN] [RO]

Day 2,214, 01:08 Published in Greece Romania by Fedor DSD

Autor moral Damayanty
Ganduri la sfarsit de an…

Ai simtit cand a trecut anul acesta? Parca ieri l-am inceput impreuna si acum am ajuns aproape de incheierea lui. Timpul a trecut, dar s-a materializat el in existenta? Tu poti sa spui in dreptul tau, eu pot sa spun in dreptul meu. Nimeni nu poate cantari timpul celuilalt.
Dar stii cum poti da valoare timpului, cum il poti face sa stea pe loc? Daruindu-l. Investindu-l in relatii. Acum, la sfarsit de an, ne pregatim sa facem daruri. Transformam timpul in bani, colindam magazinele si oferim...obiecte. Trecute in istorie, obiectele acestea se pierd in negura uitarii. Nu si le mai aminteste nimeni.
Asadar, acum, cand te pregatesi de decembrie, ia-ti timp sa daruiesti ...timp. Umple-ti sacosele cu pachete de timp, minute, ore si zile, legate cu funde si snururi, impodobite cu fluturi, cu flori si zambete, si imparte-le cu generozitate tuturor celor care fac parte din viata ta si care zi de zi, secunda de secunda, iti marcheaza trecerea prin istorie si iti scriu existenta.
Iti doresc un decembrie frumos, cu povesti la gura sobei, cu crampeie de vesnicie si pace in suflet.
Iti doresc sa primesti, la randul tau, multe daruri:toti cei dragi sa-si ia timp sa-ti fie aproape.
Iti doresc ….sa fii!
Sa aveti un sfarsit de an linistit si nu uitati de Magia Craciunului!

This article, containing Christmas thoughts and good wishes, was written by a Romanian: Damayanty
The article was deleted by admins, and the writer received FP for it. In protest, many Romanians copied and published the article. All of them were deleted, and the players received FPs.

I am rewriting it in English, too, so you can see what it is all about:


Did you feel the year go by ? It feels as if yesterday we began together and it it almost the end of it. Time has passed, but did it materialized into something real ? Only you can say for yourself, just like only I can say for myself. Nobody can give the measure of time for someone else.

But do you know how you can give time value, how you can make it stand still ? By giving it. By investing it into relationships. Now, when the year's end comes close, we are preparing to make gifts. We change time into money, we go shoping and we offer...objects. As time goes by, these objects are forgotten. Nobody will remember them.

So, when you are getting ready for December, take some time off and invest...TIME. Fill your bags with boxes time, minutes, hours and days, tied with ribbons and cords, decorated with butterflies, flowers and smiles, and share them with the people that are part of your life, the people that mark your passage through histrory and write your existence.

I wish you a beautiful December, with stories told near the fire, with bits of eternity and peace in your heart.I wish you to receive, in your turn, a lot of gifts: your dear ones to take time and be close to you.
I wish you...TO BE.

Have a peacefull year's end, and don't forget about The Magic of Christmas.